Rogue Torgast power

Unceasing chain link will randomly CEASE to exist in my powers list. It is a common rogue power. I have not figured out what makes it disappear but it does it randomly. I can have the power at level 3-4, but it will slowly level DOWN until it is no longer one of my powers. It just happened again in the middle of a normal fight. It went from rank 3 to rank 2 in the middle of the fight. UPDATE went from rank 2 to rank 1. it may be due to me not using the buff when I get it and instead using another finisher


Chiming in to let you know you are correct! This is a long lasting and annoying bug! It’s not just unceasing chain link. While that is the top offender, several others disappear as well.

It was reported back in December in this thread: Torghast, Unceasing chain link anima

They have “Passed it on” on Twitter, and so far no fix has happened.

I encourage you to also post in that thread to help build to show this is a problem and report it in game (Linking back to that thread if you wish) as well!

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