Rogue Stealth Break

Another day not being able to stay stealth…I only play this class… please fix


As a Mage that uses daggers and poisons it’s been quite annoying having my invisibility break, along with my talent tree and hero talents being bugged too. Should maybe take a look at this from a mage perspective because that’s the only class you care about.


When I first logged onto this rogue, she was parked in IF. I just kind of instinctively stealthed and it almost immediately broke. I kept trying and sometimes it would work and sometimes it wouldn’t. Unless the LoS of the bread lady is breaking stealth then there’s a greater problem at hand than just other class auras.


Arena season is rapidly approaching. Here’s hoping we get a fix soon!


This is also happening to me since war within release, blizzard please fix this ASAP!

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Happens every single BG on my rogue, almost unplayable! FIX THIS


My stealth constantly drops without anybody within 100 yards of me in a BG sometimes. Randomly it says I have combat and no stealth. Zero combat log notifications. Cannot stand playing a class so tied to a broken mechanic.


Are we just ignoring this Blizzard? I can’t play rogue in this state.


Yep, playing rogue in BGs with this bug has me walking up to people like I’m in stealth and they just look at me like I’m stupid until I realize I’m no longer hidden and walking around like a fool. But honestly its ridiculous how much stealth gets canceled around other players, I hope its fixed before season 1 start.


I have this same problem, they need to fix this skill urgently


And this bug keeps happening… Simply the main skill of the class, which sets it apart from the others. Even many skills depend on Stealth to work and this has made Rogue very bad. Rogue in wow is by far the worst class to play currently.


Rogue stealth is bugged because buffs and debuffs break it easily.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


The general problem may have existed for years - but it’s become much worse with tww. You literally can’t even walk around in a battleground without coming out of stealth.

The bug is terrible, and it’s just in time for hero trees - where one of our trees relies entirely on opening from stealth.


Been playing a rogue since prebc and this is insane in war within now…wtf fix stealth

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Rogue is unplayable in pvp, which is the only reason I play one. Stealth randomly breaks, and you hit like a wet noodle. Meanwhile with have Disc Priests and Resto druids that are harder to kill than tanks.

It’s literally unplayable at the moment.
Spawn in, walk from the graveyard, spawn breaks - no one else around.

Blizzard, please fix this or acknowledge it, or something.

I was having stealth break issues while running dungeons the past few nights. Makes it really difficult to use deathstalkers mark or anything requiring stealth, and it really shows in my dps. Hope something gets done about this before season 1 next week, especially with how promising assassination looks

I’ve been playing since early BC through BfA and just came back for TWW, and I have never in my life dealt with stealth breaking like this. I just got out of a battleground where I literally could not stay in stealth for more than 10 seconds at a time, I was constantly knocked out no matter what I did.

This too, I have had SO many issues with Between the Eyes just outright not working. Even if I switch targets, it will not let me use the ability until I use dispatch 2 or 3 times first. Can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve almost died because I pull mobs, throw up blade flurry, and keep spamming it thinking I got free procs just to realize after a moment that nothing’s happening and they’re all still basically full health while I’ve just been sitting there lookin’ like a bufoon.

Normally I wouldn’t go as far as to say things make a class unplayable, but having the two primary sources of damage for Outlaw be THIS bugged? I’ve even had to turn off war mode, which is something I NEVER do, because it’s THAT bad…

Replying for visibility as well. You’d think for a core ability on a class being completely broken they’d fix it ASAP, or at least acknowledge it, right? It’s been two weeks, Blizzard.

same here, i just post it, "My rogue in BGs is coming out of stealth without taking any damage. I’ve talked to several other rogues, and they’re experiencing the same problem. Even when I’m far from everyone, I keep getting unstealthed for no reason.