Rogue raid spot- How hard will finding a guild be?

Well established guilds probably have a rogue in mind already.

Also you are making a massive reach assuming every new guild created from the change of raid size is done so from the remains of “dead weight”. There are so many other scenarios that its not even worth entertaining that reach. The fact remains there will be new raid teams forming come TBC and OP should find one that suits them now before those slots fill

tbc raids are all easy, even black temple. the only one that is tough is sunwell. Yes the consensus atm is that rogues are bad in tbc for raiding but once people see how easy the content is it really won’t matter much and rogues will get spots unless you are in some uber meta speed farming guild that wants to make parse records. After the expansion is out a bit I think people will see rogues will compete just fine. I’m sticking with rogue, it’s the class I like. Play what you like.


I won’t say there aren’t guilds that will drop you for not being the class/spec they want. But in my experience, most raids want a consistent core group of people who show up every week, and parse at an equivalent level for the raid and class.

Find some raids that you feel will be doing the content at the level you want, sign up and be ready even if you get put on their alt list. Make sure you understand the invite rules as well as what is expected around gear, enchants, and consumables. Be ready to go, if you can’t make it, let them know in well in advance. Don’t cancel last minute or just not show because your on the alt list, they are expecting you to be there, and if you aren’t don’t expect a future invite.

Imagine you work with a bunch of people who all get paid the same. Every Friday, you go out to a restaurant and all order the same thing. When the bill comes, you split the bill… except for one of you who only pays half as much.

Would this annoy you? Does it matter whether the restaurant is a McDonald’s or a upscale fine dining establishment?

Heck simply changing raid times will result in different guilds forming.

Our late night team is moving to weeknights from weekends. That alone is gonna shed a bunch of people as they effectively become a west coast only guild

You can play whatever you want. However, a guild leader who tolerates things like your guild did in classic may have trouble defeating the content, as you experienced. Do you want to be in a guild that struggles and becomes a player feed for a more advanced guild? Personally I don’t like giving people gear to watch them join a better progressed guild. Do you want to clear content? I’ll put it as plain as possible: The more things you tolerate in a guild the less chance you will have a successful raid night. Find yourself a healthy balance between the two that suits your playstyle. There is no raid finder difficulty in TBC.

the meta will change for classic TBC… all the data stating rogues will do less damage is from old data in vanilla and from private servers where values aren’t all correct. Look how much different classic was from vanilla. The same will happen with TBC. In fact I bet there’s gonna be rogues that do waaaaay better than once thought. So yea rogues aren’t gonna be paying half the bill.

Now I’m not saying rogues are gonna be number 1, not at all, yes I do realize there are fights in TBC that requires moving around a lot and no matter if you have the best gear in the game, moving around you lose dps to casters who don’t have to move as much. What I’m saying is I think things are gonna be way different for classic tbc. Way different than people’s current predictions and assumptions. Melee will be fine.

I’ve put a lot of thought into this as well… I was gonna play my hunter but it’s so boring I tried it the first time around in BC… so I’ve come to terms to it I’m gonna min max my rogue with dragon maw and the engineering goggles if I don’t get a raid slot I’m gonna PvP If I just can’t keep up I’m gonnA quit.

People forget a few things.

  1. Rogue dps if they’re not having to use IEA is actually solid and nowhere near as bad as people think.
  2. Interupts are a thing. Relying on spell hit vulnerable interupts on fights where they’re mandatory is going to cause alot mroe wipes than required.
  3. 1 rogue in a guild is not going to be able to soak all the rogue loot and while things like necks and rings are heavily contested thanks to being hunter heavy, taking another rogue is not a bad thing.

Honestly, a guild would be silly not to take upto 3 fury warriors/rogues in their comp, even if that comes at the expense of another hunter unless they’re pushing those top spots.

We’re going to see alot of strat changes to how things are done on PS/the past and I can easily see sweeping strike/Bladeflurry abuse being a massive thing. The amount of damage a rogue can do within those 15 seconds with CD"s is actually nuts, enough to really skew damage results.

Some speedrunners from top teams have been saying that there might be different optimal comps based on type of damage rather than trying to get every single buff. Specifically I heard that there might be a physical damage comp and a caster damage comp. This is due to the good synergy between fury war mobile cleave damage and the hunter’s strong single target damage and the ability to make sure everyone in the comp is benefiting from physical damage buffs. If this pans out in live then I can’t imagine rogues having a hard time finding a legitimate spot in a sweaty guild. This would trickle down to regular guilds over time the same way the speedrunner comps trickled down in classic

End of the day 90%+ of your time will be on trash. If someone wants to focus their entire raid composition on getting 2-3 groups to do damage then yeah, those groups are gonna pump.

Personally I would rather have a more balanced composition that offers a bit more redundancy in utility roles like interrupts and cleave damage.

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  1. We’ll see. Without competitive parses, people can say whatever they like about what will be. But the evidence from both original BC and private servers suggests that Rogue dps is underwhelming without Warglaives. Even with Warglaives, it’s not top tier dps - and you can hardly expect to outfit numerous Rogues with Warglaives.

  2. In virtually every interrupt situation, you’re stuck using spell hit vulnerable interrupts anyway. So the difference between 99% and 100% chance really isn’t all that meaningful.

  3. There really isn’t “rogue loot”. Tier tokens are shared with Paladin/Shaman or Mage/Druid. Non-tier loot is just generic physical dps loot that is also used by Feral Druids, Enhancement Shaman, DPS Warriors, Retribution Paladins, and Hunters.

This is possible. However, it’s more likely to go the other way. Buffing physical dps requires a lot of different sub-standard specs. In contrast, buffing magical dps requires specs you’re going to take under any reasonable sort of comp. Eliminating most of your melee also significantly reduces the healing load.

I think people are really clutching at straws to try to come up with a justification for not believing how the meta has been shaping up.

This is a fallacy, the mid to low tier guilds are the ones most plagued by meta. Those are the guys in naxx that wipe the most, have to fully rebuff every time they do saph/KT and waste the most in consumes because their players are trash. So these are the guys who have to play meta to do anything in the game.

dude most specs will just have 1 brought, even tryhard guilds often just use 2 locks on pserver. Hunters are the ones you really want to stack, due to Ferocious Insp.

melee group is kind of set in stone with Enh, Warr(battleshout+solarian trink), and the feral. Leaving 2 spots for rogues or more Warrs.

Arms can be relegated to a random group for single-target fights (owns trash when given WF though)

The thing is offhand glaive is guaranteed to go to you. Since it sucks for warrs.

If u really wanna play a 1 button class, compete with 6+ ppl for every drop, and be easily replaced by any Mic-less rando from LFG chat, roll lock/hunt

People are in for a huge surprise how easy tbc raids will be. Everything will be steamrolled until vashj/kael (mechanics), mother (resist gear), illidan (healer check but still easy), and twins onward

brutallus will be a joke

If the guild truly wants to speed clear, trash is annoying as always and rogue stunlock will be valued, as well as distract for pack skips.

tldr don’t sweat it, rogue class is known to attract good players anyway. Plus your homies will wanna gear you up strong so they can pvp with you.

Loryn ur analogy makes no sense, rogues will not do “half the damage” of any class lol. they are a top 3 class easily. esp with glaives or just geared fist+sword spec. basically requires an arms war in raid and a good trinket or two, that’s it. Stuff like moonkin, annihilator wep, battlechicken is all just gravy

No other class can kick-bot like a rogue with 1.0s gcd, insta-blind mc’d allies, distract-skip roaming packs, evasion tank (reliquary), or bring imp EA etc. very useful in hyjal/ssc/bt trash as well.

BC is all about arenas don’t even bother raiding

There’s just no reason to bring more than 1 rogue other than desperation for bodies in a raid.

Even if they did 2-3% more damage it wouldn’t compare to the utility and dps brought by hunters, warlocks and mages

things are gonna be so much different than people expect. I’m gonna laugh when there’s a meta nobody predicted. It’s just like classic, the game evolved waaaay different than it did in vanilla. The same is gonna happen with TBC. When rogues and wars get glaives guilds are gonna stack them for sunwell. But hey don’t take my word on it.

There’s no reason to stack most classes, dps or not. Even in a min max sunwell speedclear will want a lot of different classes to stack buffs, and you’ll see at most 2 rogues 2 fury.

Feel free to set a reminder 2 years from now and let me know if I’m wrong, but we won’t see class stacking like we did in classic - even with guilds stacking hunter and locks you still want ele shaman, a ret paladin, a survival hunter, boomkin, spriest, arms warrior, enhancement shaman.

For an idea of what dps will look like you can check pservers (BUT NOT 100% ACCURATE YOU SAY) sure, but the speedclear meta mindset comes from pservers and that’s what is going to follow more than the very balanced raid comps of 2007-2008.




Eredar Twins


Enhancement Shaman

Rogues have 2 fights where they shine in sunwell, and on KJ it’s because hunters are usually put on the dragon duty and melee gets to do nothing but pump dps.

So if I was going to say what was going to get stacked in sunwell? It would still be hunters, and 1-3 glaive melee. Don’t need more than that

reroll paladin if you main a rogue imo