Rogue PVP Spec's

Whats considered the best all around pvp rogue spec?

I’ve got two caveat’s: best for dueling with all cd’s vs all classes, and the best for just open world/bgs with constant fighting and no time for cd regeneration.

Daggers or swords idc ill get weps for any!

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For current gear levels, hemo is probably all around the best. 21/3/27.

Once people get juicy epics other specs become strong like combat, seal fate daggers, and prep daggers

Combat is miserable for PvP regardless of gear. If you have awesome swords, go sub. If you have awesome daggers go assassination.


Daggers is probably better than Hemo against certain classes, like mage or druid. But both of them are very solid choices.

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Hemo Sword is great but needs to build up for its damage, lacks the big opener

Hemo Daggers is great but tends to need to use more control in order to wait for the energy draught between Ambush and or backstabs.

Combat Dagger is great but lacks some of the control

Combat is not good for pvp unless you are rolling with a group, as you lack most of your cool stuff.

Most the best pvp specs don’t even use Vigor, Adrenaline Rush or Premeditation

True but don’t you hate wasting that Ambush on a mages Ice Barrier?

I feel like you should spec towards what you struggle fighting towards.

IMO Hemo better against tanky targets (pallies, feral druids, wars ect)
I feel this way because you get the improved bleed damage from serrated blades

But daggers is better against squishies like rogues mages locks priest

Fight all the classes and find out which one you struggle the most against

The classic Hemo build with slow MH and fast OH. (21/3/27)

Or the backstab with imp sprint and prepa.

Edit: Forget to add, for the dagger build you can solo farm the best non-raid dagger for dmg (barman shanker) that’s not a minor factor if you’re not set on any of the two builds. And even if you go hemo, just farm one for when you need to do some ambush.

How is that a waste? I break the barrier and deal a bit of damage. If you are fighting a mage, you want to break his barrier, and you can do it with a BS/Ambush crit.

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Yo jobin im in love with daggers playstyle & curious on your take on builds for pvp.
Many never take MoD or dirty deeds aswell cold blood.

Well there are some good daggers pvp builds, the 2 most used are 21/8/22 & 16/12/23.
The strong points about the first one is the great burst damage it has thanks to Cold Blood. However, since you are going daggers and your main ability is BS, is a lot harder to make combo points for a 5 CB evis. Is also important to say that, without imp sprint, druids and mages are a very, very difficult match. Hunters can also be a though one if they manage to scatter+trap you. Still, this build is very strong in 2v1 (sap one, burst the other one with CB) or against warriors/pallys/maybe shamans.
16/12/23 doesn’t have the same burst as the other one due to the lack of CB, can still deal some insane damage, while focusing more on control: Roots & slows are no longer a problem, and mages become a much easier match.

MoD is a must in pvp. Without it, you lose any stealth battle, and people can see you from a larger distance. If you don’t have this, is pretty much losing your opening.
Dirty Deeds is one of the strongest talents we have. For just 40 energy, we can generate up to 3 cp, followed by a backstab, you can deal good damage while leaving your opponent stunlocked. After the opening, gouge and restealth. You already have 5 cp, so you can ambush for some insane damage and KS the enemy. After that, a BS and most people should be dead after that combo (if you are lucky with crits. If not, just use a cd and ez pz).

The only problem with daggers, is hunters and hemo rogues. If you can’t burst the hunter fast enough, and he manages to scatter+freeze, well thats a dead rogue.
Hemo rogues have good stealth detection, so they will usually have the opener. If they’re smart enough, stunlock and ez honor for them.

PS. Sulfuras gang

this is what im using atm

but im just gonna wait and see what weapons i get to drop…im hoping for PB and CHT so i can dagger it up…but if i get a sword ill def try that out too

if you want to farm bgs just run 31/8/12 and just do ambush->backstab->evis on targets you think you can kill while they are busy.

or go hemo and cheapshot->hemox2->evis on target you can kill if you dont have a decent dagger

31/8/12 is seriously underrated. The burst that extra 10 energy and seal fate gives you is legit. Cheap shot > backstab > thistle tea > backstab > cb evis deaders

I mean. Hemo and Ambush? If you are not using a swap weapons macro is not worth it. Hemo goes for swords, Ambush just for daggers. Hemo with daggers is just not worth it. But that’s pretty much the standard Hemo build, ignoring the ambush talents.

this is wat im rollin with feels best rite now

Here is what im using

classic . wowhead . com/talent-calc/rogue/305300105-3203-55005300030212

cold blood + prep is nice, great util ,but I feel its to much tied to a 2 min cooldown

imp gouge + camo go so nicely hand in hand imho

There’s a hemo build on the rogue discord that’s dope. I run that with Brutality Blade and 5 pc NS. Feels op.

got a link?

Hemo with daggers is not a waste. Less energy, faster combo point generation means faster to higher combo point finishers, buffs your backstab and finisher dmg, buffs vanish ambushes.

Unless you play AR/ Prep or maybe some off brand AR/ seal fate build, sinister strike isn’t good.

Edit: CD for CD if you aren’t playing prep you are at a disadvantage to someone that is no matter what you do. Doesn’t mean that you can’t do anything it just means that you will lose in a scripted pvp situation barring specific comp/ arena thinking to make up for those cd discrepancies.