Rogue PVP Spec's

Just try some different specs and figure out what you enjoy.

Personally I’m not really into the whole CC train. I get more satisfaction out of Chonky Ambush/Backstab crits.

I like fast paced PvP though. As long as I give as good as I get, I’m having fun.

Some people will tell you that you gotta level engineering, or think you’re bad because you’re not chugging thistle tea and popping reflect trinkets / tossing nades.

Some people think there is only one way to play a rogue, whatever wins the most.

I think there is a pretty big flaw with that mentality. Just because you can play a certain way, doesn’t mean that you have to… or that you should.

If your rogue fantasy involves blind/sap/nades and pretending to be the fun police… then Hemo>Cold Blood is probably your cup of thistle tea. Get out there and prevent people from playing the game.

Personally I like to skulk around pretending to be some kinda hit man whose sole purpose is to jump out of the shadows to invert rectums with fat ambush/backstab crits. Find the high value target, and take them out. Then try to escape. That’s fun as hell to me.

I probably look like a sperglord idiot jumping around mashing the backstab key like somekind of frothing at the mouth idiot to most people… but hey… that’s my rogue fantasy. I like when they jump around and fight back too. It’s not fun if they’re just standing there taking it.

So… you know, you do you man.