Rogue Outlaw Spec Issue w/ Dispatch Ability

Yeah I thought I couldn't play Outlaw, since the main finisher didn't move.

Yet another example of how unpolished the game has gotten, for this to be in for 3 months so far!
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Guys, there is no bug. Outlaw cannot use a dagger MH. Dispatch does not work with daggers anymore.
11/10/2018 04:46 PMPosted by Audeze
Guys, there is no bug. Outlaw cannot use a dagger MH. Dispatch does not work with daggers anymore.

If there is a bug it's with the tooltip, it should say "Requires Sword/Axe/Mace/Fist Weapon" or whatever.
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hell yes, i am necro’ing this thread!
2 years later and still same problem.
daggers are a 1-hand melee weapon and the tooltip is STILL wrong!
i almost started to seek out a mace before i came looking on the google machine!
(returning player, usually heals, but playing a rogue for fun now. just switched to outlaw to get the ghostly parrot thing, and this “Dispatch” thing had me so confused and aggravated.)

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It’s been two years and the tooltip is still wrong… get it together, Blizz :frowning:

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What’s going on with this? Just came back and wanted to play rogue, but apparently can’t use the only combo finisher I have at 15?

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Put a sword, axe, mace, or fist weapon in your mainhand.

Outlaw rogue is a “sword-spec”. If you want to use daggers, go sub or sin.

The fact that there’s no in-game documentation of the limitation is a pretty good point, although it wouldn’t be possible to put everything you need to know about playing a spec into a tooltip. Sometimes the answer comes down to “learn to play your spec”.

You know ‘that guy’. That guy that shows up at every company before they shut it down. That actor that always gets the movie with the A-List actor at the end of his career. Yep. So. Bug still active. They don’t want to fix it. R.O.I. Return on Investment. Um. They need Outlaw Rogue to be lower dps in pvp to make the new class feel better. That’s normally the way it goes with these things. You can change the words. Come up with paragraphs…but…not gonna fix it. Ask for a Large #6 as quickly as possible and move along. This Lack of Developer thing will cause massive burnout on the players. Do…not…get stuck on this. Pick another class…quickly!

If there is a bug it’s with the tooltip

Well well well. Here we are 6 years later with the same junk. Man, whoever they fired sure did hold some keys to the castle for themself.