Still needs a fix.
A dagger is a one handed, melee weapon.
This is an arbitrary distinction that is causing confusion for so many people. Either update the tool tip to be clearer or stop making this dumb distinction because it isn't intuitive or logical.
This is an arbitrary distinction that is causing confusion for so many people. Either update the tool tip to be clearer or stop making this dumb distinction because it isn't intuitive or logical.
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still broken :(
1) Tooltip needs to be updated on Daggers to say they are "no longer a one-handed weapon"
2) The outlaw rogue loot tables need to remove daggers and include more one-handed swords and axes.
I have literally been running all BfA hauling my very outdated dreadblades around and only getting dagger drops. And since I did not know about this "issue" I have denied every one-handed axe quest reward in favor of the dagger reward.
You know... When the upgrade is only a 1% to even a 7% margin, it really did not matter. Now that some of these weapons are a 37% upgrade from the dreadblades, my inability to switch them out is really starting to hurt.
We need a hotfix on this.
2) The outlaw rogue loot tables need to remove daggers and include more one-handed swords and axes.
I have literally been running all BfA hauling my very outdated dreadblades around and only getting dagger drops. And since I did not know about this "issue" I have denied every one-handed axe quest reward in favor of the dagger reward.
You know... When the upgrade is only a 1% to even a 7% margin, it really did not matter. Now that some of these weapons are a 37% upgrade from the dreadblades, my inability to switch them out is really starting to hurt.
We need a hotfix on this.
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Outlaw Rogues are currently getting mostly daggers from their loot tables? How are Outlaw Rogues supposed to gear up and use the Artifact appearances?08/14/2018 08:56 PMPosted by Nireya1) Tooltip needs to be updated on Daggers to say they are "no longer a one-handed weapon"
2) The outlaw rogue loot tables need to remove daggers and include more one-handed swords and axes.
I have literally been running all BfA hauling my very outdated dreadblades around and only getting dagger drops. And since I did not know about this "issue" I have denied every one-handed axe quest reward in favor of the dagger reward.
You know... When the upgrade is only a 1% to even a 7% margin, it really did not matter. Now that some of these weapons are a 37% upgrade from the dreadblades, my inability to switch them out is really starting to hurt.
We need a hotfix on this.
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Ugg, this was reported on the forums when people started getting daggers from the Darkshore dailies, too.
^ That.
Either fix the uber-counterintuitiveness of a dagger not being a 1-handed melee weapon, or start giving out swords, eeeeesh.
08/14/2018 08:56 PMPosted by Nireya1) Tooltip needs to be updated on Daggers to say they are "no longer a one-handed weapon"2) The outlaw rogue loot tables need to remove daggers and include more one-handed swords and axes.
^ That.
Either fix the uber-counterintuitiveness of a dagger not being a 1-handed melee weapon, or start giving out swords, eeeeesh.
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Yes I just experienced the same thing, finally got a drop higher than my dreadblades, a 227 dagger and a 210 axe, but if I have the dagger in my MH then I cannot use dispatch. It is not any other ability, ONLY my main finisher, Dispatch.
This is ridiculous, an entire spec has to be suffering from this, can we get some attention?
This is ridiculous, an entire spec has to be suffering from this, can we get some attention?
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Any news? Bug still persists
Same thing with Enhance shammy's.. Can't use Stormstrike or Lava Lash if a dagger is equipped in the appropriate spot. Tool tip still says 1h weapon, didn't find out till I was in combat and couldn't do anything.
If daggers aren't one handed melee weapons like some people are saying, why does dispatch work with fist weapons? It has to be a bug, this makes no sense.
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Still no fix on this, even with the expac hitting.
This, is still a dead button for Dispatch on my dagger weilding outlaw rogue. My crafter doesn't have another one hand weapon(sword/axe) with agi to craft for said rogue. Serious Business Blizz. Fix ur mistake. Daggers is the only one hand weapon. Are you suggesting two handed daggers? Fuuu...!
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I just ran into this and am confused. I got the error when I did a sword and a dagger, and now I just selected a new dagger(after waiting FOREVER and still using artifact weapons in BFA), and Dispatch wont work? It simply says "Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon" in red. Daggers ARE a One-Handed MELEE WEAPON! What's going on here?
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Aug 29th and its still not fixed. friggen amazing.
You also say all people do is complain. Then stop asking for it.
You also say all people do is complain. Then stop asking for it.
08/18/2018 11:17 AMPosted by GhorzaIf daggers aren't one handed melee weapons like some people are saying, why does dispatch work with fist weapons? It has to be a bug, this makes no sense.
I'm pretty sure it's a new feature, as other posts on this thread have mentioned. The only melee specs that now use daggers are Sub and Mut, the same way that only MM and BM hunters can use ranged weapons. This was poorly communicated and as such is now frequently being falsely reported as a bug. As for fist weapons, they are not daggers. They are one-handed weapons, the same way that maces, swords and axes are.
08/14/2018 08:56 PMPosted by Nireya1) Tooltip needs to be updated on Daggers to say they are "no longer a one-handed weapon"
2) The outlaw rogue loot tables need to remove daggers and include more one-handed swords and axes.
Now THIS should have its own thread. I haven't tried leveling my rogue yet, but if this is an issue, it should be addressed ASAP. Ninja-swapping their weapon type and not being able get them as dungeon drops is kind of rude.
End of September and still an issue. I've been leveling my rogue with Sinister Strike as my only generator. Now I find this out...
I can KIND OF see this from Blizz's PoV with regards to other classes not being able to use 1 heirloom weapon for all specs (if not some other reasons that I currently can't think of). Although now that I've said that I'm realizing Mages, Warlocks and Priests also benefit from that. Yes, I know some specs are more crit-reliant than Haste and vice-versa, but still...
BUT, if people leveling as Outlaw are getting nothing but Dagger drops while in that spec, that is a GINORMOUS (wait, spell check thinks this is a word!?) problem.
And yeah, fixing the tooltip to say "Requires 1-handed Sword, Mace or Fist Weapon" should be a high priority as well.
BUT, if people leveling as Outlaw are getting nothing but Dagger drops while in that spec, that is a GINORMOUS (wait, spell check thinks this is a word!?) problem.
And yeah, fixing the tooltip to say "Requires 1-handed Sword, Mace or Fist Weapon" should be a high priority as well.
So as of today still persistent, tooltip still says the same too. My gf just started playing and this confused the hell out of me. rogue specs have always used daggers. Some specād combat would use maces or swords, but this is just dumb. Let people use the weapons they want blizz.
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Well... As of today, October 5, the bug persist. You'd think that Blizzard would have gotten to this major bug by now. Come on guys, it IS a BIG DEAL, fix it.
+ 1 to all of the posts above. Really hard to believe this is still an issue after all the reports before and after launch. This weapon type for the rogue class is such a fundamental expectation of how dispatch should work. Poor tooltip design strikes again!
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