Rogue nerf

Why do hate rogues? rogue is worst class in the game now with this nerf lmfao. hemorrhage is trash, sinister strike is trash also saber slash is trash. well rogue players, might aswell just stay in stealth and watch people fight because sod team hates rogues. warriors are better than rogues now. Nerf shaman since yall nerfing rogue


100% shobek even quit because of how bad it was. What are these devs doing BRO


Damn, thats how you know they goofed up


Pretty sure even after the nerf to Muti (which was already busted being a double weapon attack for 2 combo points for the same nrg cost as a talented Sinister Strike lol) rogues were top damage in PTR by a considerable margin…

Anything new happen since then?

no just someone parroting their streamer


Rogues have been OP and ridiculously broken in PVP since P1. Other specs have been in the limelight, but rogues are usually unkillable with their infinite stuns and ccs.

Shobek quit because he wasnt getting enough views. Give it one week and he will be back, hes just a fair-weather gamer.


Indeed, they’ve been stupid strong the entire time.
They just got overshadowed by much more blatantly OP items, or faction specific items.
(Starsurge in P1, Enhance Twin RB in P2, Burn rune in P3.)

Mutilate has been described as busted before it even went live…(datamine)

Class: is the strongest in the game.

Cant make this stuff up.

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You have to be trolling. Lmao

Doubt it.

Nobody looked at double poisons that stacked with Sharpening Stones/Windfury and thought it was a a good thing. (While you were smiting P1 bosses even outdoing the warriors.) It just wasn’t as big of a deal as Star Surge.

Nobody looked at 40nrg mutiliate and thought that was a good thing. It just wasn’t as big of a deal as twin rockbiter Enhancement shamans.

Just because Rogue hasn’t been receiving the proper amount of forum attention due to being overshadowed by other broken things…doesn’t mean we don’t think Rogues are broken.

shamans in here complaining even though they tanky af and can 1 shot lmfao


“Tanky Shaman here”

Who just got dumpstered by a hunter spamming Chimera Shot… (one of which crit for 1400)

We so tanky we get a 223 pt heal every 3 seconds and a 350 pt heal every 6 seconds.

I only need 12 seconds to outheal that ONE CHIMERA SHOT.
Guess I better throw on my bubble.

you over here agreeing rogues should be nerfed lmfao. if you think rogues and do what hunters can do you just hating to hate

Eh… one spams me from afar with busted abilities…

The other stuns me from stealth for about 10 seconds and spams me with broken abilities.

Exactly what’s your point?

if you think mutilate is gonna take your entire health away then you just suck at your class lmfao

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Behold! The mighty 223 Health every 3 seconds and 350 health every 6 (with GCD)…

Tell me, how much is your muti hitting for again?

If I roll a Nat 20 on the Flameshock… then I can hit with an instant Lava Burst… and a 50% chance to send another one. Very reliable.

Otherwise it’s a 2 second cast… those famously are uninterrupted by rogues.

shamans have it so easy lmfao hand of rag is even getting a buff for yall mfs lmfao. yall been busted since vanilla wow 2004. you must be doing something wrong if you letting a rogue 100-0 lol

Im not reading all that. But, the irony is your instant flame shock does more than my mutilate. Actual facts. Stop deflecting.

Does your mutilate have a 6 second CD?

(Nope? it’s the same energy cost as a talented Sinister Strike…for 2 weapon hits, and 4 potential poison applications)