Rogue main looking for chill ACTIVE home for Season 2 and beyond

Hey, gang! My name is Angela, I recently came back to WoW after a very long sabatacle. (I quit mid Shadowlands and didnt come back until now.) I’m looking for a cool place with cool people to call home, ideally permanently. (I’m house trained, fyi.)

A little about me, I’m a reasonably competitive player by nature, and like to have fun. Rogue main since TBC/Wrath. I like to raid, pvp, mythic+ transmog run, kick back and have next level eye opening bants with decent people. (I don’t like nonsensical #based redpilled sweaty pseudo social intellectual contrarian garbage though so miss me with that.)

A little about me offline, I’m a streamer/cosplayer tradeswoman, and work long hours. I like my time in game to be well spent with the right people. I respect other peoples time and expect they respect mine. Even if were raiding casually, if we set the time for like 8, and we’re not pulling until 9, I’m gonna leave. That easy. I could be better using that time j3rking off.

Sensible, realistic, chill, but takes no nonsense. Love it, hate it, its easy. I’m easy, be easy too.

Willing to server transfer or faction change if we vibe, though apparently thats not… necessary ever anymore? I’m not super familiar with the new eased off restrictions and relearning a lot of this game all over again.


Availability, if looking to fill rosters for raids or mythic plus teams, I am unavailable Friday evenings, through Sunday evenings.

Discord; Angela_Drakken#5315

(If you have a discord, please actually use it. I hate trying to clean cobwebs.)

Hey there :slightly_smiling_face:

Celestial Advocates is a casual, no-drama guild that raids Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM Pacific Time.

:heavy_check_mark: Progress: AoTC in Season 1, 8/8 Normal and 2/8 Heroic in The Undermine
:heavy_check_mark: Looking for: Primarily DPS to grow our raid team to ~20 members so we can move into Mythic raiding after clearing Heroic.
:heavy_check_mark: Mythic+: We’re also looking for more to help form more groups!

If you’re looking for a friendly and motivated team to raid and push keys with, we’d love to have you! Here is the link to our guild recruitment post [NA] Celestial Advocates – Raiding, M+, Achievements, and Having Fun - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums. Feel free to reach out for more info. My Btag is Eiene#1217.

Hey Angela! We may fit what you’re looking for in a guild!

We’re Trigger Me Timbers!
A community founded by a group of veteran players who thrive on teamwork, epic adventures, and having a great time with friends. Our guild offers a welcoming & supportive environment to make new friends, grow, and conquer new challenges.

Our Goal:
Have a great time with friends progressing through new Mythic challenges.

Where we are:
We hit 4/8 Mythic NP last season,and are 8/8 Normal & 2/8 Heroic Undermine. Our fresh season 2 team is diving deep into Undermine! If you are looking for a group of friendly, chill, and skilled players to have a good time hitting AOTC and Mythic content, that’s us.

Past Experience: 8/8 H, 4/8M NP
Current Experience: 3/8 H, 8/8 N Undermine

What We Are Recruiting For / Roles?
Undermine AOTC & Mythic


Days: Tuesday - Thursday
Time: 9:00pm-12:00am EST

Aside from raiding, we also offer:

  • Voice & Tech Chat: Stay connected with our Discord server and in game, chatting and hanging out with guild mates.
  • Support Environment: Receive support and help from other experienced players. We believe in helping each other succeed.
  • Active Community: Whether M+, other games, etc, we hang out and have a good time.

Feel to reach out anytime
Discord: glitter8322
Bnet: imix#1749

Big Facts is Recruiting!
About Us:
Big Facts is a returning guild that originally formed during Shadowlands. After a break, we’re making a comeback for Season 2 of The War Within and are looking for new and returning players to help rebuild our community.

We’ve already met some fantastic people on this journey, but we need more adventurers to fill our ranks! We understand that rebuilding a guild takes time, effort, and patience, and while there may be challenges along the way, we are committed to learning and growing together. If you’re willing to give us a shot, we’d love to have you on board!

Our current focus is Mythic+ dungeons, but we also aim to achieve AOTC (Ahead of the Curve) in raids, with potential for tackling a few Mythic bosses as we progress.

What We Offer:
A laid-back, welcoming community that supports both new and returning players
A drama-free, inclusive environment where everyone can enjoy the game
Dedicated members willing to help with Mythic+ dungeons, gearing, and mechanics

What We’re Looking For:
Healers – If you enjoy keeping the party alive, we need you!
Ranged DPS – Prefer to rain down destruction from afar? Join us!
Melee DPS- Smash the enemies into dust? We encourage it.
Dedicated, team-oriented players who want to grow with the guild
Mythic+ enthusiasts who want to push keys and improve together
Chill, patient players who enjoy progression and a friendly atmosphere

Raid Schedule:
Raid Nights: Friday & Saturday, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM PST
Primary Goal: AOTC (Ahead of the Curve)
Secondary Goal: Progress into Mythic bosses if numbers allow

How to Join:
If you’re interested or have any questions, feel free to reach out!


Come be part of something great—Big Facts is back, and we want you with us!!!

Hey there! We are a semi-casual AOTC/Mythic raiding guild and are looking for a Rogue to round out our roster. Raid times are 9:30pm-Midnight EST.
Here is some more information: [Stormrage][H/A] 8/8N 4/8H Tues/Wed Semi-Casual LFM for AOTC/Mythic - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums
Feel free to reach out:
Discord (BNET)
@melyodas (Melyodas#11578)

See if our times fit

Eternal Grave
8/8 N
4/8 H
Cross Fraction Guild

Eternal Grave is looking to grow as we dive into the new raid tier! We’re a progression-focused guild with a laid-back vibe, aiming to push further into Mythic content this tier. Last tier, we went 2/8M, and this time we’re hungry for more!

Raid Times:

Tuesdays & Thursdays: 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM PST
We’ve decided to keep things simple with a 2-day raid schedule, allowing our members flexibility to enjoy other content or take a breather.
Optional runs and Mythic+ groups happen regularly outside of raid nights.

Currently Recruiting:

-Boomkin High Priority
-Ele Shaman High Priority
-Enc Shamn Medium Priority
-MDPS w/OS tank / heals
-S Priest with heals OS
-Cloth DPS
-any really good DPS in general

We are also looking for some Mythic Plus Focused Players, who also would want to be bench raiders, where you will get guaranteed AOTC and opportunities to raid mythic as well!

What We Offer:

A chill and supportive environment for progression.
Mythic+ groups for gearing and pushing keys.
No drama, just fun and focus on raid nights.

What We’re Looking For:

Reliable, team-oriented players ready to grow with us.
Willingness to improve and contribute to progression.

Contact Us:
Interested in joining Mythic+ groups or jumping into raid action? Reach out to:

MrSmash1993#1531 (BNet)
Cerundion (Discord)

Let’s get that loot and have a blast this tier!