[NA] Celestial Advocates -- Raiding, M+, Achievements, and Having Fun

Celestial Advocates is currently recruiting for our progression raid team. We raid Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6 PM to 8:30 PM PST; (that’s 9-11:30 EST, or 8-10:30 CST).

We are currently cross-faction and cross-realm and would love to have anyone who is willing and able to learn with a desire to be a part of a team.

Celestial Advocates (CA) is a long-time guild of friends and family who have been playing Blizzard games for years; (many of us started WoW in Vanilla and are still playing). We embrace many different kinds of play styles and prefer to think of ourselves as a place to create lasting relationships that extend beyond the game. Our goal, first and foremost, is to have fun in the game, which can be different for different people, but we want to make sure to facilitate an atmosphere that caters to that rather than anything else.

So, if you’re looking for a place to call home, are tired of being alone in the game but don’t want to have to commit to anything (or don’t have the time to do so), or if you’re looking for somewhere to find more people to do M+ dungeons, or you just want to do some fun raiding, or you need help doing achievements, or you want to just level a million alts but have a place to call home while you’re doing so–if any of that sounds like you, please consider calling CA your home. We’d love to have you here with us.

Our Discord: https://discord.gg/7MDZg8Teyj

Our Officers:

  • Barundus – Moon Guard
  • Akeeri – Moon Guard
  • Krazy – Moon Guard
  • Faulkor – Windrunner
  • Linnatara – Moon Guard

If you’d like to chat with someone about the guild or have questions, please feel free to reach out to me via BattleTag: Argentrose#1553 or Channyn on Moon Guard.

Celestial Advocates a fun and laid-back group. With Mythic Mondays (6 pm to when done) is for keys usually 6+ and under (some push higher) and Fat Key Fridays is for keys 7+ and up. We enjoy raiding together with a casual but progressive mindset. No raging just fun. We are currently 6 of 8 in Nerub Heroic.

We would love for you to give our guild a try. More people = More fun.

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We’re still recruiting and looking for more people to join us. So, please, if you’re looking for somewhere to call home, consider CA. We have a little of something for everyone.

We’ll be working on progression tonight if you’re interested in joining us–6-8:30 PST. Check the custom raids for our group listing (Krazy, Akeeri, Linnatara, or Barundus).

Hope to see you this evening! :sparkling_heart:

Hello Channyn,

I believe CA might be exactly what Im looking for?
Below is the link to my LFG post :slight_smile: Feel free to add me on Discord / B-net if you do think I would be a good fit!

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Really enjoyed chatting with you, Phy! And your post sounds exactly like the kind of people we’d love to have joining us in our WoW journeys. Feel free to poke anyone in the guild for an invite if I’m not around or grab me when I am, and we’ll get you situated.

Thank you for reaching out, too! We’re really excited to get to know you and your family better!

~~ Chani

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Hello Channyn,

Was wondering what spots you are looking to fill? I’m 7/8 H on my Lock and Shaman.

Switching to my Priest or “maybe” Druid for the rest of the Season. Both are around 619 since I just started to gear them up a few weeks ago. Also, gearing up my Pally for M+ tanking.

I’m looking for a active Guild that plays together outside of just Raids. Would be nice to see Green Text and an active community. Let me know. Thanks!

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Hey, Zafïre!

Thanks for your interest. At the moment, we’re mostly looking for DPS for our Heroic raid and Glory achievements team. I know there is some talk by our raid leads of doing Mythic raiding, and some of our Heroic raiders may not be up for that; so, when we get there, we might need healers along with DPS.

Hopefully that gives you some idea, but if you’d care to join us either tonight or Thursday on one of your characters, please get in touch or join the Discord and poke one of our officers. You’re also welcome to poke me on Bnet, and I can get you in touch with our raid leads.

Thanks again for your time and interest. Hope to hear from you soon!

~~ Chani

Hey there
Let’s bump this again. Looking forward to meeting new people.
Happy gaming :slight_smile:

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Hey, everyone.

We’re definitely still looking for people who are looking for a place to call home. Our raid team is going in to Nerubar tonight to (hopefully) finish up Heroic. We’ll be pulling Queen until we get her down (or we run out of raid time tonight).

If you’d like to join us, please feel free to message any of our officers or add me on BTag and contact me before 5 PM PST so I can get you added to our invites. We have tank and healer roles covered at the moment, though if you have one of those and are willing to DPS off-spec, we’d really love for you to join us. And if you’re a DPS and looking for your AotC and a new place to lay your head and make friends and have fun, come and join us! We’d love to have you!

We’ve had a lot of new people joining lately, and we really appreciate everything they’ve added to the guild. We’d love to have you be a part of that, too; so, come and join us! We’re here and waiting.

~~ Chani

Are you still looking for more? I just added you on Disc

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Edited to add:

Hey, Truest:

Could you try re-adding me on Discord? It’s “Argentrose” on there without the quotes. I might have missed your request, but I didn’t see anything come in and was out of town most of last week.

Thank you, and sorry for the trouble!

~~ Chani

Hey there, Truest!

We got Queen down last week and are looking to build out our Mythic raiding team while continuing to progress as a guild with other achievements–like Glory. So yes! We are still looking for people to join the guild and help us get further along in our WoW journeys.

If you’d like to join us, please just reach out or come and say hello over on Discord. We’ll be raiding again tomorrow night–getting more of our guild their Heroic AotC achievement and looking forward to what comes next!

And, of course, please feel free to reach out to me via B-tag. I haven’t been around as much as we headed out to Vegas this past weekend, but I expect I’ll be around a bit more now that we’re home again.

Thanks for reaching out, Truest. I hope to hear from you soon. :heartpulse: :sunflower:

Greetings, adventurers of Azeroth!

Our amazing guild has conquered 8/8 Heroic on Nerub (Yay!!), and now we’re looking for some daring, skilled heroes to join us as we embark on our Mythic Raid Team adventure!

Do you crave epic battles, shiny loot, and a warm, welcoming community of adventurers? Then Celestial Advocates is the place for you!

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