Rogue mage rogue mage rogue mage rogue mage rogue mage rogue mage

Watching rogues and mages defend a comp that has been S tier since BC LOL


Prot Pallys exist to counter this nonsense basically

Imagine playing prot. I prefer to quit the game before going prot

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I think this one is dependent on which kind of healer they have. Disc Priest is gonna give r/m about 2-3 goes before they have nothing left in the tank as far as mana/CDs goes. They offer much more in terms of team utility and damage though.

HPala has a lot more ability to save their team/keep them topped, but they don’t have P.I. for goes, just wings but I’d argue that its not a good idea to use your melee wings on a go in this meta.

RDruid is just RDruid. I haven’t seen too many, but it seems that the ones I have just flop after you get trinket and broccoli out of the way.

No they are just sheep sap or blind or stun or in shadowy duel. While retarded mage just pres conbust and burst thru all your defensives. Yeah nice try defending your retarded class. Wouln’t complain at all if sheep had a cd but that is just beyond retardation idk wtf is blizzard thinking

hello ragnaros ret paladin

from my understanding, rogue mage has been an S tier comp since BC and blizzard’s unwillingness to balance it is due to its perceived high skill floor, which I somewhat understand due to Rogue prob being one of the harder classes to play well. However, mage does seem out of line in its current iteration.

Idk skill floor for rm is pretty low

An incredible rm is fun to watch but to do ok requires very little

Not any harder than anything else


It makes them feel like they are doing something difficult. I bet every fire mage main is also a Master Yi main in LoL.

Why? It’s very fun to play. People perceive it as a retard spec but it’s actually much more involved than the majority of mongo specs out there (e.g. fire mage, boomy, ret).

I played Prot at the start of the season and it was a ton of fun, then switched to Holy and climbed a lot easier. Only noobs that haven’t played Prot cry about it, it’s very easy to beat.