"Rogue" is not a real class

I have been thinking about the way WoW has developed over the years with the introduction of new classes.

I know this was already attempted in Legion, but I think the concept of the Rogue class needs to be revisited.

Currently, Rogues do not feel as they are a completed class. Three separate specs all about “stab.” This is not a real class.

Reforming Combat into Outlaw was a start, but this just put a twist on the stab-based fantasy, it did not turn Rogues into an actual class.

Rogue is not a real class. I would like to see the current entire concept of Rogues collapsed into a single spec, (a stealth based melee fighter that stab thing with point), under a larger and more fleshed out parent class that introduces more variety.

Example (just to paint the picture)
Class “Ranger”
1.) Rogue: current rogue specs combined (stealth stab)
2.) Scrapper: ranged dps using an engineer fantasy
3.) [Bard: Something like Augmentation] or a third pure dps spec: 2h barbarian perhaps?

Rogue is the least-played class, and for good reason. It is just stab. All of current rogue-dome fits into a single spec, and then we have two extra slots available for specs that will actually bring something interesting to the game.

mage is just shoot spells
hunter is just shoot arrows
warrior is just hit stuff
priest is just cast spells


Warriors allowed me into their Class Hall since I took Stealth off my hotbar.


To be fair we allow anyone into the Class Hall.


At the end of a long day, that might be exactly what you’re looking for.


It is not:

Stealth based stab spec heavy on CD management with a bursty profile

Stealth based stab spec based on DOT damage

Stealth based stab spec with high APM, spinning plates and a flatter damage profile


Edit: bonus irony posting on a Druid where balance is a generic builder/spender caster, feral is a budget assassination rogue, and guardian is a budget warrior. Right?

Druid is not a real class!


I do feel like they’ve removed a lot of the things rogues used to be useful for, like unlocking things and detecting traps. The class fantasy has been getting weaker, while at the same time the role of the rogue has not expanded. Rogues are the only class that is more reduced in scope now than they were when first introduced.


Nice click-bait title :wink: It takes patience and a lot of dying the first (used to be 20 levels. Idk now), but this turns some players off. Took me me 3x before I spent a summer with my Assasination rogue. You’re always learning with a rogue - that’s the fun part. It’s just not for everyone.

All classes could use some tweeks to them. Rogue is no different, but it’s definitely a real class!


I think Monks would like a word with you on this one.


It’s the stealth based class. It’s fantasy is being the assassin.



Umm I am stab-and-shooty thank you very much!


I mean, yeah, nothing is a real class if you use reduce it to an over simplified form that doesn’t take into account literally everything else.

Druid is not a real class, it’s just “change into funny animal”


Assassination is based on poison and outlaw is based around shooting and rolling dice

If you go super generic most classes would be in trouble. Arms is person with one weapon and fury is person with two weapon.

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In your mind, outlaw is an assassin? I’ve always pictured a toe-to-toe fighter that relies on agility and guile rather than rage, magic, discipline, weapons prowess, the elements, shape-shifting, and the fel (I think I got most of it).

You have the same flawed philosophy as Blizzard where you over value the metrics of ‘engagement’ and ‘play time’.
Just because something is niche doesn’t mean its bad. Combo points doesn’t appeal to everyone, nor does the sneaky assassin theme.

Rogue also has a stigma of being a ‘PVP class’.

Still has stealth, can still ambush people. What happens after well. That’s for them and the Outlaw to figure out.

Your imagination of an assassin is a toe-to-toe fighter? lol
The entire point of an assassin is not to be seen.

With that said, I agree with you that Outlaw is sort of a weird spec that doesn’t truly belong.

I was only talking about outlaw.

I am pretty there are players out there who feel druid is not a real class.

Moonkin) - caster cosplaying as an owlman or disco humanoid that throws out spells

Feral) - someone in a fur coat swatting at enemies, basically using the same combo system as rogue, while rogue has 3 specs to do what you do, but better

resto) - just another take on healers, this time throwing leaves and green circles everywhere

bear) - uses the same rage system as warrior, but pretty much every other tank has a more interesting rotation than you do