Rogue Dagger Requirement

I would love to see the skills that require “Daggers”, like Backstab, Mutilate, etc. to include “Fist Weapons”. There are some really good looking fist weapons in the game, and including them in those skill requirements would give Rogues more options for transmog and stat adjustment. Also, from a lore perspective, performing those skill actions with fist weapons would seem perfectly viable. Obviously, using swords or maces for those skills is just silly, but fist weapons would be viable.

Anyone have an opinion?

Edit: At least, if not adding the ability to use fist weapons with those skills, it would be nice to see the ability to transmog a dagger into a fist weapon.


Would be cool to see rogues take a Shattered Hand clan approach. :carpentry_saw::robot:


Agreed. Mutilate for sure makes sense with fist weapons.

How does one backstab or mutilate while wearing brass knuckles or runestones floating around their fist?


Can’t you just transmorg the daggers into fists? Or is it a different system altogether. I know Polearms/2h Swords/2H everything else can also change to look like each other. I would have thought dagger/fist falls into the same category.

You’re right … I’ll go put away my magical thunder serpent on whose back I traverse the known world … :upside_down_face:

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I’m not sure how you equated a dragon to stabbing something with a blade.

i mean… a lot of the fist weapons are claws. or spikey.

Some are, yep. But there are also a bunch that aren’t. So that’s why I think they haven’t done that. Just a theory.


How does one do anything with runestones floating around their fists? I mean… it is fantasy. But visualizing it IRL, a set of brass knuckles could perform a quasi-back’stab’. People are carrying around weapons that are larger than themselves with void energy spilling off the blades, and the logistics if ‘backstabbing with fist weapons’ is where you lose your ability to enjoy the impossibilities?

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Man, I remember when Rogues could start using axes, and it was a big deal.

When was that? TBC?

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I wish. That’s why I brought it up. You can not transmog daggers into fist weapons, which is why I also included that last bit in my OP about allowing us to do so.

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Runestones enhance magical attacks like Monk punches and Shaman hits. :slight_smile:

I’m not saying they can’t or shouldn’t do something if it were possible. I’m just saying it may be a reason why they haven’t. Probably also a coding thing for specific weapons and may even be a “we don’t want more specs fighting over fist weapons” thing.

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Ahh, kk, I understand now. Thanks for clarifying.

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idk, but my outlaw rogue is still able to slice people open with a swipe from them, so maybe you just need to push the weapon very hard.

Issue is Daggers have different weapon speeds than Swords/Axes/Maces/Fist Weapons.

Daggers are 1.80 speed and Swords/Axes/Maces/Fist Weapons are 2.60 speed.

This is probably why we can’t transmog daggers into other one handers and vice versa.

Also Outlaw only needs Sword/Axe/Mace/Fist Weapon main hand. Outlaw rogues can have a dagger off-hand (which is preferred for more poison procs).

You can only transmog across weapon types of the weapons in question are mechanically identical. A polearm and a two handed sword of the same Ilvl aren’t any more different from each other than two different polearms of the same ilvl, for example.

Fist weapons and one-handed melee weapons are mechanically identical.

Daggers are not. They hit more often for less damage compared to the other one handed weapons.

They could change fist weapons to be equivalent to daggers, but that would mess up all the Monks, Warriors, and Shaman currently using them as standard one-handed melee weapons.

They can’t transmorg. I understand that. But don’t try to use logic. We can transmorg Guns into Bows. We can also transmorg Swords into Fist Weapons. Mechanically identical or not is pretty irrelevant at that point :slight_smile:

To be fair, the majority of fist weapons have pokey-stabby parts.
Even the boxing gloves have spikey bits