Rogue Clearly Broken

Just passing to say again how rogue are braindead and they keep it like this


How many are there playing assassin right now at top ladder? pretty sure it’s 99% sub/outlaw

Do you think that makes assassination bad?

RPS def still playable top end as assa. Also don’t see why assa uhdk or assa demo would be unplayable if outlaw was nerfed

All 3 rogue specs are competitive without a doubt


Dumb take.


Rogues were broken from the second shadowlands went live and are still broken to this day.

Do you really believe the Devs give a crap about our complaints.

Beating a dead horse at this point.


I just played my last arena game for the xpac. :frowning: they have made it miserable.

Rogue will never not be disgustingly broken til they remove cooldown reduction and multiple dance charges, but they wont.

Or they could add a CC reduction for pvp purposes for all abilities on all classes.

PVP in general has far too much cc
but that cc is much appreciated in pve.

A general 50% reduction in CC duration for pvp purposes would make pvp far more enjoyable I believe. Would make cc more tactical than spammable. Could also make rated more interesting for new players, who currently are instantly turned of when permanently cc’ed by rogues.

It wont affect the horrible oneshots, but thats another problem that needs solving.

Would ruin the game far more than you think


No it wouldn’t. It’d break the game in a very stupid way. Just reduce rogues cc insanity and toolkit and the games magically in a much better state without screwing everyone else.


I disagree
maybe arenas in the top 1% part it could be negative since you guys are at an esports kind of lvl and healers just heal way too much.

But for everyone else it would make the game more fun
being able to control their own character.

If rogue can’t kill you in one stun, they aren’t viable.

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It’s more of what you don’t realize the consequences of a change like this

Or what it requires for the game to still function with that

We have far less CC than past xpacs yet complaints are much higher. A lot of this is because the risk/reward for CCs are wayy off

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Arena at literally every level would get negatively affected by it.

You can control your own character plenty when you actually learn to play and don’t try to do arenas like it’s a bg and trinket the first thing that hits you.

My night elf hunter sits one seven point kidney and the game is over even when my healer is out of cc.

That’s how explosive their damage is mage priest and rogue.


I wouldn’t even hate the damage if the control was dialed back a bit and they could actually die. Imo RMP should never be able to live longer than like 3 go’s unless the other team just messes up hard.

Honestly we complain a lot about rogue and mage and should. However the toxic part is that the hpriest just can run around and top them in a single gcd. I can’t stand how dumb hpriest is if you have a person who knows the spec not the fotm rerolls.

Like Waylor is good because hpriest is a joke atm. Palumor while improved is playing rogue and 100-0ing ppl wasting blind for a “good setup”, dopamine could get 2700 maybe without play rmp.

The comp is just way overtuned so I refuse to play my rogues I dunno it’s not fun anymore to just run around and kill people without even playing well.

You could miss every kick and kite horribly and still never oom and still win as rmp.

I played six games of rmp in the last 3 months last night going 4-2 at 2100. This was with my priest being full 252 unchained gear no second leggo when we pushed him to 3k last season. Best part was the fact that the wins didn’t make us happy and the losses were irrelevant as we were giving him plus 25 each game. In any other comp a 252 healer would absolutely get destroyed if sneezed on but he could live with jump fade and Nuclear serens.

Hpriest is certainly an issue and honestly I’m tired of queing into them. But they also don’t personally annoy me as much as rogues and mages. Either way all 3 need some huge nerfs to bring them back into line.

That teams my go to example for boosted RMP players. They’re still better than a lot of people but it’s obvious when watching them that the comps carries them. Also the ego it gives is pretty wild.

Don’t forget poorly trading cds. Seen too many rogues waste cloak or mages aggro block and still win because of the triple resonator in duel/bomb.

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Guys there’s no point in complaining, I been complaining about Rogues for a whole year now already, nothing happened.

There’s only one thing to do, that is to use your Dragonflight pre-order boost, make a rogue and join in on the power. This is how WoW always works.

If there is a class you hate so much, what you do is you join em. If Blizzard hates you, they will nerf it, and secretly you go back to your old class smiling, if not, then you continue to faceroll with said hated class. you can’t lose.

Your insults wont fix broken gameplay but you do you.

Just dont complain as pvp keeps on dying.