Rogue Clearly Broken

What’s making pvp die isn’t something that will be fixed by your awful suggestion. It’d only make it worse and introduce more problems than it would “solve”.

Ignorance is bliss…cancelling any suggestions you dont immediatly approve of is appareantly the way to fix pvp :smiley:


This is more true for you than you’ll ever be willing to acknowledge.

It’s not cancelling. It’s calling out an awful suggestion for being awful, it’s literally the type of thing you’d see unironically said by someone who only does bgs and doesn’t actually know how to play the game. I suggest you read back what dillon wrote and seriously think about it.

Cancelling more…and insulting. Yeah you obviously got the good solutions to fixing pvp lol.

Did you stop taking your meds recently?

I dont mind a healthy discussion…if you could bring counter suggestions, but all you do is cancel and insult.

Give suggestions…if you are able to. Please.

Speaks for itself.

There’s no real counter suggestions. Your idea is the nuke option for a system that isn’t designed for you. You can dislike cc all you want but it’s the way the game has always been designed for in pvp. Not to mention it massively hurts many comps and creates a nightmare of new balancing and adjustments blizzard 100% wouldn’t handle correctly anyway.

Plus it doesn’t even make the game any better for new players.

amen /10char

Yes that’s toxic, however it’s not the only toxic part as mage and rogue are both also bullet proof.

The specs are insanely tanky for no reason, have ridiculously high control for low effort, and do ludicrous amounts of burst damage.

Every room temperature (in celcius) iq sub rogue main opines that they have no sustain damage and therefore need the burst the have every 25 seconds otherwise sub rogue would be unplayable. Except for the fact that they can, without the mage’s help, 100-0 someone through defensives with their own CD’s. That’s fine though because they hit kidney lmao.

Assa rogue has two one shot builds and sepsis can just destroy you through multiple cooldowns if you don’t have a cleanse.

Outlaw rogue is just a W key simulator worse than DH is since it’s actually tanky and doesn’t seem to do reduced damage on cleave.

Firemage, as we’ve known since season one, is insanely strong and has stupid kill pressure. Every fire mage is happy to complain about purge negating their burst as though they don’t do the exact same thing to numerous other classes with db/poly/ring etc. They have this delusional mind set that their button presses should matter but nobody else’s should.

Also why can you cast fire blast off the gcd while casting something else? Like why? Oh right because mages need that and it’s fine.


WOW history repeats

back in MOP the subterfuge rogue was rather powerful

there were comments, suggestions, and complaints on alpha, beta, PTR, live.

3/4 thru the expac blizzard did the blue saying admitting that it was overwhelming, did nothing and let it remain rest of expac.

history repeats. slow or refusing to react. skip to SL alot of classes needed nerfs or buffs, by the time it was decided to take action, they say they won’t because it would affect the current season of PVP or MDI.

just like MOP you will have to wait for warlock, rogue etc nerfs

It’s like RMP is the 1 athlete at a competition that’s on steroids. The other comps are strong competitors but nobody can actually compete with an cause of it and it’s just so boring

Don’t forget necro + vendetta cdr to have insane pressure the entire game. Bonus points if they play with a night fae priest. Cause that’s just what they need.

It’s so unfun spamming purge into a fire mage the whole game and it still barely matters.

To be fair it being on the gcd would feel really awful. I think it’s something that feels more toxic then it is because of how busted the rest of the spec is. If combust damage wasn’t so frontloaded and the spec was more balanced it’d feel way more fair to have it the way it currently is.

yep rogues are completely broken and ruining pvp completely … but blizz want to remove PvP From the game so, as you can see on DF talent trees, they are gonna be even more broken on DF so PvP will be unplayable if you are not a rogue and eventually gona die and wow will become a only PvE game … is all part of the plan just chill, unsub, find another game

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So you have nothing to contribute with except cancelculture and insults? Really?

Do you have anything to contribute with at all? Beign such a representative for cancelculture you are probably afraid to get cancelled on your own ideas so you dont dare to come with any…prove me wrong please.