Rogue Clearly Broken

I prefer it too but that said if they play with a night fae priest to get vendetta back fast it’s just pure insanity. I’m honestly shocked more people don’t play it.

i basically “main” rogue (necro assa)

i wouldnt mind if sub was gutted.
i wouldnt mind if sepsis was gutted

those 2 r the worst. the players just sit in stealth and gib people who dont have trinkets. its such degenerate gameplay… its gotta go. (talking bout bgs mostly)

but in general, kidney shot is prob the most op ability in game imo. its just so so so so good

Blizzard: Yes.

Are you having trouble winning in the first 10 seconds of the game? Don’t have that trouble on my dk, rogues are all free wins?

Blizzard: stop crying and go rogue

Lol go rogue

Blizzard please add arena x5 - so i can do a 5 rogue squad

Tbh I think you see less necro rogue because of how strong vendetta sepsis is in like 3 gcds and how it can just straight murk through every cd. Nessper said that if they nerfed Kyrian outlaw would prolly play necro


Fitting guild name


Blanket nerf rogue damage by 40% thanks. No it’s not fair but yellow class should suffer.

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actual rogue - 1 macro class (doenst matter spec or covenant)

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Sorry, but there is not enough data to determine if rogues are OP! But, I’m sure they’ll do “better” next time and be sure communicate more often.

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Honestly venthyr outlaw is pretty nasty too. That burst can get pretty nutty with dreadblades.

Not sure how necro outlaw works but for tf in rbgs it’s good, every bone spike gives like full combo points or something

Lot of dumb stuff in the game atm, but the rogue class is specifically why I’m taking a break from this game.

The potency and quantity of their CDs for all 3 specs is just insane. Nothing about them is fun to fight, and even when you dunk on current rogue players you cant even enjoy it because you know they had to make constant mistakes and bad decisions to even end up giving you those windows.

How all 3 specs didn’t get hit hard in the most recent tuning pass is beyond me.


ya tosan seemed a big fan of it in sinful ssn havent played with it tho but necro sustain seemed rlly gross when i played around with one

xylvana an innovator there for sure

Considering the state that BFA, and SL have been in for almost the entirety of their respective expansion; they need to fire everyone at Blizzard for making garbage games.

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Will keep posting till have a blue post here… No way this will pass clean

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Agree nerf rogues and take their gold