Rogue changes please

As the title states, rogues need help. From a PVE perspective, why bring one? They don’t do anything better than other classes, and quite frankly, they aren’t good. Can you bring one and clear the raid on heroic diff? Yes *Can you bring one and clear the raid on mythic, maybe. We only have a few guilds to watch and most aren’t bringing a single one, while one guild has one of the best in the world. Its hard to say. Regardless if you can clear the raid with or without one, the point is it should be competetive, which it is not. Heres some data, let me know what you guys think.
Overall dmg including all adds and all bosses ^^^^

Way behind, not performing well at all. Having one good spec is a bad thing, but this class has all 3 performing terribly.
Here is how the rogue performs in a single target setting. ^^^^
^^^^^This fight has so few logs recorded that rogue doesnt even exist, which is a problem in itself, however, lets look at heroic diff. Here is how a rogue performs in a fight with aoe all throughtout… pretty good… this is what balance looks like, all specs performing closely together. And above average. However, at a glance there is some glaring issues with the disparity from the bottom to the top. Im looking at BM/FERAL/SPRIEST/BALANCE.
Final boss of the raid^^^^ again, all three specs performing quite low.

In summary, is this the end of the world? No
Are rogues unplayable? No
Are rogues way behind most of the existing classes in WOW? Yes.
Are other classes performing so well that this might be why rogues appear to look weak? Yes.

Last thing:

Lets look at how rogues have scaled from around 600 ILVL to 620. Im absolutely prepared for the people who have hte notion “the game is balanced around the tier gear and higher ivll”, lets have a look.

Data shows rogue gets worse in comparison with the gear it receives.

Im absolutely ready to see some rogue changes.


When they buff us they seem to make us gods. So…if we’re a bit underwhelming, just realize it’s for a reason. Rogues dominated Classic and TBC because they didn’t nerf our class. WotLK brought many changes that started to nullify our abilities. As this is my main I do hold favor to this toon but there are better dps out there.

I so rarely see rogues in group content that when I notice one high on the meters it’s almost like seeing a unicorn.


You see the buff they Spriest’s a bit ago? They buffed dmg by 4%. They needed alot more then that, but thats the type of thing that could easily make rogues competetive with all other classes. They obviously need help, the data doesnt lie.


Yeah the’yre not good at all.


Last time i remember being meta was in BFA, and that was like 4 years ago, why does every other class gets to meta but not rogue

Im not advocating for rogue to bet meta, but someone has to be on top, but i definitely dont’ want you to be this bad.

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why not ret pallies and hunters been going for ever, i tell you why rogue is no good… cuz no one plays them and blizz wont give a class that no one plays a good place

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i have to disagree here. if you scroll down on these logs…

you will see the total number of rogue that entered by spec, i did the math for you already, its slightly over 250,000 people. i wouldnt say noone plays rogue when a quarter million people do.


I honestly forgot rogues existed.


Rogue is the second least played class in the game which is considered a rare class, quarter million 250,000 / 8,000,000 yea

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I would make a joke about rogues being in stealth but stealth is so bugged nowadays that it hardly ever works


Where are you getting that data? If so, then absolutely, not too many people playing them. That represents a seperate issue entirely.

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I’ll admit that I haven’t seen a rogue in my keys at all. So at a glance I’d believe what you’re saying.

According to r io still being taken enough to justify being more popular than balance & feral/spriest/ww monks and hdh demon hunters. All of these specs bring buffs yet are still so bad to not be as popular as assassination rogue in timed keys. They must be doing something right

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Blizz posted the number of sub they had this year, and it was 8mil

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Ive seen assasination put fourth some amazing aoe, and do more overall dmg than me o a fury warrior, (im only 2100 io score so im not doing anything crazy yet), but in raid, terrible.

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That is a good point. Raid-wise they might need help.

Our regular raid comp has 1 rogue and this season she isn’t doing great.

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I mained a rogue from vanilla up through BfA.

I also forget they exist these days.

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yeah tons of classes really need help, just trying to put attention on a few before mythic changes come out after rwf.

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DH sort of takes the flashy dual wielding look at me class now, and steatlh isn’t really needed or as useful anymore.
(aside pvp of course)

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dh does everything better… aoe, and st. why play rogue.

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