Rogue 1-shot

So first, yes he took Serenity. This means he doesn’t have images. Which in reality, images would give you MORE damage on a target due to every image doing 45% damage 45%x3 = 135% 135% > 120%. I will absolutely confirm he took serenity, because I know he’s a mongoloid like that. Don’t forget Coordinated Offensive adding ~ 16.6%-18% damage PER IMAGE. But he used Serenity, so it’s just a singular 16.6%

Now I’ll give you some quick math just doing the testing on a turnip punching bag in game PVE. SCK with 1 proc calculated strikes + passive will average your SCK no crit to hit for about 2.6k total. I say 2.6k as an average number, with 1 crit it jumps to ~3.2 and so on so forth up frmo there. Your crits averaging about (With keefers applied) about 1.5-1.6k ticks. Now I’m no rocket scientist, but I don’t see how 400% modifiers makes 1.6k=17k. Could be wrong, but hey, to each their own. I should mention that SCK baseline does about 2.5k damage tooltip OVER ITS DURATION NOT PER TICK.

Now, onto the game it happened. No shadowfiend, didn’t hit any images or my druid. So the maximum passive + calculated strikes stacks he could have is 2. Saying he has a 226 conduit + golden. That’s going to be 36% from Strikes & 30% from passive. So he has 66% in modifiers passively + dance 200%.

Now, once more, I’m no rocket scientist but these numbers simply DO NOT ADD UP. But for the sake of standing my ground, I’ll even be willing to test this in arena for about half an hour considering I can find people. And even with people, I will put myself in a perfect scenario of having dance + 6 stack passive to go for maximum burst over 30 minutes and keep the VOD. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m wrong and completely clowning out if I can find this is normal, but I’m more than willing to bet that it simply isn’t.

Why are you mentioning this, this was already understood lol

The context I mentioned images in was to say effective damage is about the same

Where’s your proof of this, you don’t really come off as very reliable

Old quote you made in this thread that I already was able to show wasn’t the case, reality is you just come off as salty and wanting to accuse someone with zero logical proof

I literally already linked a SS of that happening for Chun lol, already proof of it happening/being possible but by all means go out and test for yourself for a while

Lol that’s just not even true, I found a SS I had vs chun too where he’s getting at least 4k ticks which is totally out already to a decent amount (4k*3=12). That’s not even his best ever as images I’m positive plus he was playing BM in these games. But even like his rsk total at the end on me, adds up to the times you can get 28k rsks on people with serenity. Really nothing that crazy for WW, this is just the damage your class does:

This is just funny how you contradict your own numbers in the thread

If a tick peaks at 7k multiply that by 3 lol hey dude that’s 21k poggers except we’ll multiply that by slightly less than 3 which can make the 18k with serenity not actually crazy, and just WW dmg

Edit: I actually don’t even get what you’re saying your posts are legit so insane and all over the place LOL, but yeah you’re accusing him of some random bug with no proof of a bug existing when there’s literally a clip of the same thing happening for Chun, WWs just do crazy damage, 2H+Serenity can make you hit hard. You have all these contradicting statements or unclear thoughts all over. You said max 9k damage at some point, even if you were totaling out the value from images I already have a SS showing that’s not true lol.

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He clearly didn’t realize how details adds things up, you’ve proven your point 3x over
I love you mate but it’s late your work here is done go to sleep.

This is when I wake up actually

I have a few hours before class starts


Ah, another early riser.


Ya 9 am classes and I have to leave my house at around 7ish to make it so I get up at like 4:30am-5:30am depending on how I feel


In a few years Dilly, you’ll be joining the jaded old men forum crew. We will welcome you with open arms.


Having to TA for 18 year olds has already put me there tbh, I feel like a grandpa around these kids

I’m ready to hang up everything but the hair on my head


You’ve made the cut. You’re an honorary member now. Meet us at your local convenience store to judge the youth. Doors and I will be chilling in his 1971 Cadillac Deville.


Dilly already playing the boomer spec

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grandpa jimmy can you tell me war stories about vietnam

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Of course. Do you like short stacks from Denny’s young man? Grandpa is buying. I will tell you some heroic stories. I will bring my grandson, Bramot.

bramot bullies me in korthia