Rogue 1-shot

I don’t think you should be staring at anything like coil on your partner the entire time. Maybe I didn’t articulate this clearly, but when I said:

I meant you should have your UI set up so that your frames, your arena frames, CD trackers, etc; whatever it may be, should be close enough that your eyes can glance at it, see what it needs, and go back to focusing on whats happening in games like positioning and observing where each person is and what they’re doing. I’m not sure how it is for you, but I wear glasses so my eyes aren’t anything to brag about, and my peripheral vision is good enough to where I can be looking at the center of my screen and see things like my health bar, my partners, their buffs, their debuffs, my sArena cast bars, their health, my target frame, my omnibar, and probably other things to where I don’t have to lose focus to see those things and if I do have to look away, its so fast I can’t even articulate to you how quick it happens. This is a big mistake I believe a lot of players make, its that they focus too much on something when your eyes should really be constantly moving and constantly looking around. A lot of players I think end up looking at their hands, or their bars, or their UI and not focusing enough on what people are actually doing.

And that’s why we will probably just have to agree to disagree because I don’t think you can really argue that you can hear more things being called out than you could see on say an entire row of your omnibar showing what’s been used and how much longer its on CD. I think its also is overbearing on the person when you try to over stimulate them with information. See this link:

I think in this scenario, trying to add in those audible aids hinders more than it helps. Its also why I think the majority of people who use comms in this game are actually hindering themselves too because its much harder to let me know you’re going to kick something next while the person is mid cast than it is for me to see your kick is off CD and you either have told me you have the next kick pre-emptively or us having experience together in trusting that if your kick is off CD that you’ll get the next kick. This type of aid will primarily keep you reactive instead of proactive, and I think that’s huge in terms of success in arenas.

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Saw a stream where you pressed SCK and win in the first 5 seconds vs rmp.

Made me laugh at how bad this season is and reminded me why I don’t que rn lol


I normally don’t care about ppl who kill on dcs. I care about RMPs who kill on DCs, bm whisper, emote & post on forums all in 24 hrs.

And yes @stick, I can kill them like that if they choose to just not press CDs. Otherwise the odds of it happening vs rmx is non existant

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dew and gum just did the same to them. gum got a proc and killed seraph in a triple dr leg sweep.

this game is amazing.

Yeah, gum is a known exploiter lol.

If you ever tell me an 18k SCK TICK isn’t an exploit, idk what to tell you

its not an exploit, its dance of chi-ji i think? its pretty overpowered but im 99% its just a normal talent thats so strong it Feels like an exploit

SCK can’t hit for 18k. It peaks at 7k damage with everything lined up. You can NOT make it hit 18k, or else it would be abused in MDI and this class would’ve been gutted months ago.

Edit: Can’t post imgurs to prove it, screenshot is sitting on my computer rn if you think I’m bsing. It’s not 17k damage overall it’s a 17k damage tick

maybe you just arent watching your procs

I get you’re trolling, but don’t sit here and act like a clown. It’s more just dissapointing than infuriating that you don’t use your brain.

i mean no troll, on the scale of which is more likely, its more likely that you just are making mistakes than gum found some exploit and is using that in like one in every 20 games .

if he was consistently nailing people time after time after time after time, but this is more the stars aligned perfectly and he put you on your knees.

I’m almost positive that over 9 years of playing this spec I know substantially more about it, considering how much time I invest into finding the bugs on it and min maxxing my DPS to learn my limits.

When I tell you it is impossible to TICK 17ks. And mind you, the death isn’t 1 random 17k, it’s a multiple of them. It’s impossible. I would’ve found it by now or another monk in the PoS disc would’ve pointed it out.

Found a way to post it^

okay then whats the bug. you some genius that knows everything about windwalker monk. what bug is it.

Bug & exploit are two different things. If, again, you’re going to troll poorly, atleast read my prior posts. I’m sure a competent person can figure out 2+2 here

okay but youve said both “bugs” and “exploits”

if its not a bug, what exploit is he abusing?

Psure the guy is literally just playing Serenity LOL


I was thinking this but the expert WWs said they looked at every angle. Expected the cd that buffs their dmg by like 75% wouldn’t slip past him xD

visions posting about gum exploiting as if gum cares as much as visions to exploit for rating

wait i got it wrong visions didnt exploit for rating I forgot he attempted to rat his team out and forked the evidence over when he realized he couldnt sit for r1 :flushed: :cold_face:

You know what Dilly, I’ll bite.

20% of 9k (Putting 9k because we’re high rolling crits) + 9k = ?

I can tell you that it doesn’t equal 17k.

Anyways I’m gonna go back to taking a break of this game from my last tilt sess.

Also as for dinoe, must suck that you still can’t beat me in a 2s game playing double dps when all you play is rdru/(insertmetaDPSspec). over 7 years o.o

Ya bro so when you pop images and you add all 3 of them together the ticks will be close to that 17k amount if they were all critting

Not an exploit bro, just take serenity lmao

Look at this chun clip with serenity btw:

No bug, just serenity and you’re not seeing the damage broken up from images

Screenshot of the sck in that clip:

Troll to accuse gum of exploiting, this is pretty doable if you take serenity


Btw guess what the total is if you and your images do a rsk and it’s 7k for you and 6k for both your images?

If you saw the same sum with serenity would you call that an exploit lol? I mean if you look at any clips of serenity you can get 21k rsks but you obviously don’t get rsks that high if you’re not taking serenity, but they do total to close to that amount with images up