Rocket Shredder 9001 stalling bug

The mount stalls in flight after initial summoning.

Video of bug:

Previous mentions on bug forum:


Same. Would be nice if this got addressed…

I have noticed this, too. Furthermore, I have noticed that the model “resets” back to default when this happens.

The Rocket Shredder seems to have a randomized set of visual geometry options when summoned. Missile launcher shoulders / regular plate shoulders, left arm drill / left arm saw, and right arm claw / right arm cannon. There may be more I’m forgetting, but these are the ones I’ve noticed, and they seem to be selected at random at mount-up time.

When skyriding, you will launch as normal and begin flight. Then, at some point after launching, the mount will “reset” back to what I assume is its default geosets: plate shoulders, drill arm, and claw arm. This happens mid-flight and there is no visible (animated) transition. One mount configuration just “pops” to the other, and then you lose all momentum.

Maybe the skyriding system is assuming that it’s an entirely new mount as is resetting the speed / momentum because it considers it some form of remounting? Just guessing here.

Furthermore, I have not yet noticed this happen a second time during flight. Nor have I noticed it when the configuration is already defaulted when summoned. However, I have only had the mount for a short time (just earned it), so my testing has not been extensive.

Suggestion: maybe remove the randomized configuration feature and instead add the Rocket Shredder to the Rostrum of Transformation and let us choose how we want it to look. I personally prefer explicitly selected customization options rather than random ones, anyway.

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This is still happening and still hasn’t been fixed. Even if you summon the mount and get the shredder claw with rocket shoulders animation, if you start Skyriding, soon after it will stall, then switch to the drill bit arm with exhaust pipe shoulders. It’s weird and a bit disheartening that it’s been going on for months, at least, and still hasn’t been addressed. I’d argue that’s the best form this has available and you can’t actually use it without the form reverting back to the drill bit arm with exhaust shoulders.