Rocket Shredder 9001 random brakes mid air while skyriding

This happens on no other mount I know of. When I begin to fly on the shredder, after around 5-10 seconds it will just stop mid flight. After it has halted in the air, it will work as normal without this bug re-occurring until I land and go to fly once again. I have tried changing the ride-along setting to see if that would be causing it, but it has not.

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Also having this issue^

I too am having this issue. All my other mounts do not do this

I’ve noticed this issue for a while too, I haven’t seen it on any other mount but I also haven’t tried every other mount I own.

Want to add that this bug has existed since skyriding was available for this mount.

I can also confirm this, So far it seems to be the only mount I’ve encountered with this issue.

Kind of makes the mount useless currently unless you turn skyriding off.