LOl no it’s not. That’s just nostalgia blinders you’re mistaking for good content. The game designers bad will leaves such a bad taste that I don’t want anything to do with their game.
It’s not random at all. Way too many people getting the same items week after week after week. If this pool of potential items us as large as you say then the chances of getting the same item twice us astronomically small.
As to whether it’s just completely rigged, heavily weighted random, or based on some parameters that we aren’t aware of, I cant say. Honestly, I think it’s just rigged against us with weighted randomization that usually yields something that is, essentially useless, and that’s the way they want it to work. You guys don’t think that they think we all want the worst secondary stat on danged near every item we get, do you? Versatility, I’m looking at you.
The cancer is systemic at this point, and has grown very deep in this, once great game. I have my doubts that it will survive much more from the current development leadership.
Its designed with a certain type of player in mind, in 2019 you just need a few dedicated whales and a cash shop, the RNG changes could bleed player numbers but if enough of the right customers stay, they made more money in the end, and the RNG was a rousing success in their eyes.
The funny part with that system was they didnt change it, in the old system you bonus "rested xp was just normal xp and your current normal xp was “fatigued” xp.
The amount of XP you gain and how much of a bonus you get for resting didnt change, they just changed the way its psychologically framed in the players minds.
How something appears does affect how people feel about it, and players hating this system should be something blizzard notices, it would be if the old devs were here.
Spinning my wheels for years in this game for nothing. It’s exhausting.
I was talking to a friend about this the other day. Simply put, they want players to have as little control as possible over their power(the REAL reason they removed reforging).
The lesson on the rested xp thing was that perception matters at least as much as outcome
Exactly, Socks… RNG at this level means players have absolutely no control over anything which is unempowering and that just isn’t very fun.
I’m all for being able to progress outside of raiding - my main avenue of progression in the current game is M+. I enjoy the concept, but it’s got its flaws.
The person I was replying to, however, said they knew people who had to push raids and M+ on the side to get their trinket every single season. As an ex-raider, that doesn’t really sound fun. Really, the ‘seasonal’ nature of BFA is a double-edged sword, in general.
Sure, you can catch up to the latest raid just fine, but if you’re a reasonably casual player it also means your gear is utterly invalidated and pushed to or below the baseline every single major patch. Which means, natch, that you have to reaccquire it all over.
So yes, I love that it’s not simply raid or die, especially since I’m just not as interested in raiding as I used to be, but the current, uncontrollable implementation of forging (players had more agency to control it in the past, even upgrade their gear with ways that weren’t just RNG upon drop), and having to re-farm my gear every season … Gear accquisition just doesn’t feel good in this expansion.
I’m in a unique boat, I enjoy the content on its own merits, anyway, but it’d be more fun if getting gear didn’t feel like keeping up with the joneses. Upgrading my old trinket with an identical, but slightly better trinket isn’t exciting.
That’s kind of what I mean when I say it’s ‘true random’. In a truly random system you can get the same result twice, even if the chances seem hilariously small - usually some element of bad luck protection is put in place to prevent this, and ironically makes it feel more random to people, despite being literally less so.
Blizzard essentially needs to go in and make it so that you can’t roll the same item twice in a row.
In a truly random system the occurrence of those repeat drops would be so rare that it wouldn’t be an issue at all. Instead of that non-problem we have a major issue that affects a large segment, if not all of it , of the population of players. The repetition occurs so frequently, to so many people that there is no way that it is a truly random system. At this point, with mountains of indications to the contrary, and the only supporting argument being that they say it’s random, to still believe that it is random is being willfully blind.
The numbers don’t lie. This is not a random system. It’s a rigged system designed to not give us what we want.
if it were otherwise, we’d have some power in deciding our fate and our goals and our rewards… but we currently have absolutely none, except to grind and pray… it’s a casino, plain and simple, and everyone knows in a casino, the house always wins.
this happens to me all the time.
get gloves with good titanforge + socket and then the next week get the same gloves with no socket. lol
The random drops are a problem. Worst part is getting an azerite piece which is useless to me. Cant even vendor it, have to scrap or disenchant.
RNg is a cancer, they should just put some kind of vendor, and make M+ give u the coins necessary to buy it, if u have did m + 15+ u would be rewarded with more coins, the game should reward the pro player based in the level of investment they have put in the game.
Im sick of inspecting people 440+ with m+ 5 drops, this is bullsh… So far BFA is my worst game experience. The dev team just want to make u work in this game like it was a job. I wish i could have the resources to chose my goals in the game, im a pvp player i hate this obligation to do m+ to get ilvl to do pvp.
In a pure RNG Casino, the player has no power, so the player feels like they make no choices, the player has less fun. WOW has truly become a casino working against the player base.
I guess, short of revamping all dungeon loot every patch, how do you keep alternate gearing paths from “not” being like this?
In the past the main alternate gearing path was PvP/arena gear which, suprise, required doing the same thing every season for essentially the same gear. Just do it all over again for better stats.
Even when it was badge/valor gear (which never could hold a candle to the quality of gear mythic+ gives) it wa back to farming the same dungeons over and over (which get easier and easier due to gear inflation).
Even if mythic+ was pure currency, its the same “run same dungeons/do same thing every season” for gear.

Another week getting nothing from the WOW Casino weekly chest… we work way too hard for everything to be RNG dependent that never improves the harder we work… this is a game I pay good money for, and I never see an upgrade or effort vs reward I can feel good about… I mean… all 8.1 and 8.2, I never saw a drop from a single world boss, never got my daggers from BOD, I see people +5s getting a 455 titan forge while my teams get all 430s in timed +14s… the system is RNG stacked against the players and this doesn’t make me want to keep playing, it makes me feel like a sucker and want to quit… I can’t but complain, and I don’t care if people dump on me for it, I work so hard, helping everyone and spending so much time and money and I’m always prepared, and it always amounts to nothing. I just don’t want to play a game like that anymore. Good job Blizzard, you created an RNG carrot on a stick to keep people playing, but it’s just making me quit.
I figured out when they 1st came out that running Mythic + for a casino slot machine cache per week was stupid and boring. I think the whole Mythic + system is a cancer to the game, that should have stayed in Diablo 3.
tl;dr, but I just wanted to add that I agree in the sense that I have been calling the Benthic armor vendor Kadala and she still won’t give me the bracers I want. This has devolved into ‘slow D3’. I log in, farm pearls, spend them all, and then get on a different game. :<
Always wait until you have at least 100 pearls before trying to get a piece of Benthic so you can have many chances in one go.
Same. Blizzard has damn near sucked the fun out of gearing with all of this RNG garbage.
- Random item level with titanforging
- Random huge upgrades with sockets
- Random stats like leech that are huge for certain specs (healers)
You honestly can’t look at a piece of gear and know what your going to get which is really not enjoyable imo. I look at a weapon from the first boss and think “this’ll be an upgrade if it titanforges or procs leech or a socket” but all of that is dependent on RNG. Way too many layers of randomization in gearing right now. Titanforging also brings a lot of negatives with it that influence the overall game like people asking for 435 when pugging normal eternal palace.