Another week getting nothing from the WOW Casino weekly chest… we work way too hard for everything to be RNG dependent that never improves the harder we work… this is a game I pay good money for, and I never see an upgrade or effort vs reward I can feel good about… I mean… all 8.1 and 8.2, I never saw a drop from a single world boss, never got my daggers from BOD, I see people +5s getting a 455 titan forge while my teams get all 430s in timed +14s… the system is RNG stacked against the players and this doesn’t make me want to keep playing, it makes me feel like a sucker and want to quit… I can’t but complain, and I don’t care if people dump on me for it, I work so hard, helping everyone and spending so much time and money and I’m always prepared, and it always amounts to nothing. I just don’t want to play a game like that anymore. Good job Blizzard, you created an RNG carrot on a stick to keep people playing, but it’s just making me quit.
Didn’t even bother doing my chest last week. Too busy playing classic and not dealing with 5 layers of RNG on a single slot.
The modern games reward structure is pure butts.
I agree. It is discouraging and makes it feel like you are spinning your wheels in the mud.
the gearing is crap it feels terrible even when u get somthing good.
I think a way RNG should work is that if the game sees you have a 430 trinket, if the moment is designed to drop the same trinket, it has to be an upgrade, it cannot drop the same exact quality item… also the more chances you have getting nothing, the chance should go up… so you know eventually you will make some progress… I don’t think that’s a lot to ask.
and that’s not asking for BIS every time, it’s not even asking for something every time.
Throwing my hat into this as well. Got a crit/vers ring which is the worst itemization for R Druids when I have multiple slots needing solid upgrades.
I just wish we could return to tokens man, what was wrong with that system? if itemization has slid it in dry long enough I have the opportunity to just go buy the replacement for that piece sorely needing an upgrade rather than continuing to throw coins into the RNG slot machine hoping to cash out.
I went 4 M+'s without loot and get some crap ring in my chest. Feels bad man.
I think the worst part (at least as far as the M+ chest is concerned) is the pool it can pull from is just entirely too large.
Add to that the fact that it’s true random with no bad luck protection, and you get the added frustration of getting the same belt three times despite the pool of possible items numbering in the hundreds. And even if you do get the item, it feels bad when it doesn’t forge.
Titanforging in particular is the worst offender. Not exactly a hot take, but anything that makes any drop feel lesser unless it upgrades is just gonna be rank. I miss the upgrade system from MoP - at least there were other ways to make them ‘forge’.
I’ve beaten this horse to death, but when I got a slightly warforged mythic EP weapon I was hyped as hell because it felt like getting the “proper” item. On the other hand, my utterly baseline mythic BOD weapon filled me with overwhelming indifference.
Warforging and titanforging are pure cancer.
Exactly. Non-forged weapons feel like punishment, rather than forging feeling like a reward.
It reminds me of how, apparently, Rested XP was originally a penalty. You’d play for x amount of time and then earn less XP, people hated it. Supposedly they then changed it to, not playing a while would give you extra XP - and people loved it.
How it feels is ridiculously important if you want to design a game people actually like and have fun with. They hired psychologists to help make MMOs, for a while!
And I just can’t think of any way to make the current implementation of forging feel good. If it gave me an upgrade I could otherwise craft, or buy with tokens, or something - that’d be okay! But it’s just a random upgrade you can’t control for or get in any other way than a roll of the dice.
I don’t want to rely purely on a roll of the dice! Yes, there’s always been RNG in WoW, but I could always control for what was going to drop by going to particular dungeons, and without having to hope for that slim, 1% chance of a gem-slot forge.
If the upgrading system from MOP existed and forging just let you cut in line, it might be okay. Instead you have completely random RNG upgrades to items, sometimes absolutely massive advantages that no one else can ever realistically hope to get. And that’s not okay in my book.
I just feel like I work so hard for nothing, I can’t intelligently go after anything, I have to brute force and pray… that’s some bull.
But it has been keeping me playing. A random upgrade gives me a chance to improve, so that kept me playing. Otherwise I would have unsubbed after getting Pathfinder I for about 5 months.
Dont gente wrong, I’d rather have a deterministic path, like VP/JP/Holy Rat Butts (whatever currency) as long as it isn’t capped. Otherwise I’m out when I hit said cap.
MoP was so fun I kept playing alts till the end.
WoD sucked but the garrison gold kept me playing.
Legion had WF/TF which kept me playing (plus mission gold).
In BfA WF/TF and Benthic are keeping my interest.
IMO everybody complaining about the RNG would be the first to leave upon reaching their BiS.
Hay look! another pair of 415 pants, 3rd week in a row.
It would be nice if we could upgrade existing equipment by scrapping stuff and reforging the items with the additional ingredients. But without that type of feature it’s just more junk mats to dump into the guild bank never to be thought of again.
What? First, if you think playing WoW is a job, it probably isn’t the game for you. Second, the rng we have now is unfortunately necessary, as high-ish ilvl gear is showered on us from so many sources.
Just wrong. If I got upgrades I would stay and ENJOY them and help my guildies every damn day.
I got the same ring I got last week, only 5 item levels less! Hooray!
You don’t understand the argument if that’s your response.
Is that such a bad thing? I’d rather have a fun few months with the game, and then take a break, than feel like I’m being blatantly skinnerboxed into pushing the button 'til I get a nice reward.
And this is what makes me TERRIFIED about the success of Classic.
Because during Cata, I was more involved in PvP and was trying to complete my set-- which required farming Baradin Hold. I had gone at least 13 weeks without getting the Leggings that I needed and it was driving me CRAZY!
I made a post here about how much I hated RNG, and wish some sort of “currency” (in some form or fashion) could be used to offset a long run of bad luck like I was having.
The results of that post were pretty much UNANIMOUS: That I was wrong. People without exception claimed that RNG was superior because they had a chance to get it right away without waiting; and that because of how RNG was structured, even if there was a currency system, I was likely to get the item in the same amount of time.
Similarly I see all this fapping about how great Classic is, and I DREADFULLY fear that not any of the mildly interesting stuff comes to Retail, but you can DAMN SURE BET that all of the grind-y, boring, slog-fest stuff probably will, because it will increase our MAU.
Be careful what you wish for, people. You guys WANTED this RNG crap. All the people that claim how great Legion was? All Legion was, was a big RNG experiment. So don’t tell me you hate RNG if you claim you liked Legion.
Wrong. 100%.