Go mail someone random a large amount of gold and see what happens lol, people were doing it to streamers to get banned
“Here’s 5 stacks of Arcanite Bars for your Thunderfury, enjoy!”
Don’t need to send gold.
now your thinking like an RMT
It’s not like it takes critical thinking to do…
Apparently it is with all the people defending RMT in here…
Its the reason GDKP is banned it makes it too easy
The game is easy.
It’s just more easy and braindead without GDKPs because people can’t figure out why they suck so much to get excluded from them.
Ticket to raids??? uhhhhh joining a raid is free, if you’re paying to get into a raid that’s a you problem. If you’re talking about consumes well again that’s a you problem if you can’t afford consumes. What have you been doing this whole time if you don’t have at least 5k gold saved up? Like I never really ran incursions and have more than 10k. I’ve got more than enough gold to last until SOD is over but I still wouldn’t join a GDKP to buy my gear as you shouldn’t be able to buy BOP items
You don’t use consumables?
Think Flask are gonna be cheap? Naxx not gonna require anything extra?
Going to never enchant your gear?
Its honestly insane how badly he contradicts himself. the post is titled —
RMT hates GDKPs
BUT in the very first sentence. FIRST LINE EVEN ! he writes: TLDR: GDKPs encourage only a couple of RMT parties
those two statements directly conflict with each other sir.
Bullkakke, your telling people to not believe their lying eyes.
We’ve seen the shady practices from some GDKP organizers.
Then tossing around what-about’isms in regards to the AH. It’s not working.
it totally is, if something must be banned because it promotes rmt then by that logic the auction house must also be banned, i’m 100% sure you can’t talk your way out of it
the floor is yours, go ahead
Sure I can, refer to Blizzards primary reason for banning GDKP.
That was easy.
I’m guessing you just dont have any professions and buy everything and wonder why you’re broke
honestly with that train of thought, why stop there? Since in game currency (gold) exists why even have gold! Lets remove it! What your saying is a slippery slope fallacy. There are things that encourage Gold buying FAR FAR more than others. Even the author of the post whos defending GDKP’s admits that LDR: GDKPs encourage only a couple of RMT parties
It’s sad how you lads can’t have it in one version of the game.
I hope the money was worth keeping y’all around :S
congratulations, you’ve figured it out
every single thing in the game that involves a currency exchange promotes rmt in exactly the same way gdkp does
that’s the entire point, banning something because it promotes rmt is stupid, everything does
read this line I wrote very carefully. >here are things that encourage Gold buying FAR FAR more than others.
Even the person defending GDKP’s admits it TLDR: GDKPs encourage only a couple of RMT parties
Buddy Thats why we don’t burn our house down to get rid of some cockroaches. Instead clean the house and the particular spots that attract the most roaches, and sure ALL the roaches may not be gone but 95% is far better than burning the house down… you seeing it?
ok, i’ll use your analogy
the roaches are the real money traders, the house is the game, the roaches are attracted by cheese
lets ban cheese
but there are more than 1 type of cheese u need to add that in ur anology