any tips? addon?
I’m struggling also! The nets are buggy and I can only get to about 32 fish…
I’m not sure if I benefited from a bug, but I only got 26/40 my first try, then I raced back to the start as quickly as possible, started again and the counter kept counting and I got it half way through the second run.
Yeah you finished it before they patch that bug
I want to see someone complete the Ruriq’s River Rapids Ride achievement and get 40 fish now that it’s been patched. And if you say you’ve done it after it got patched and wiped the buff when you restarted, I want to see the video.
Not saying it’s impossible. Just saying it’s highly improbable.
Yeah I’m with you on that. I searched youtube and have yet to watch a video without them flying back to the start and running it again before patched.
chalking this up as doable but not worth the hassle. from server ticks to the nets being garbage, as well as feasts causing whole area issues…yeah. It’s off my “give a damn” list.
Honestly I don’t think there are 40 catchable fish in one run TBH. This is impossible.
I just talked to the walrus, and he ported me back to the top. Granted, that was a few days ago. They did a patch to it?
I’ve done this quest numerous times today. The counter will reset and when you fly back using your mount and does not award the achievement after launching the boat hitting 40 fish. The best run given the speed and the cooldowns of the nets is 33. Most of the time I’m hitting 30-31. The nets are buggy. It seems if you don’t have the center-circle of the net on the fish you do not get credit. Sad now you can’t fly back and keep adding to the counter. I’m jealous of those were able to fly back and complete the quest prior to this patch.
Does the guy not port you back when you ask him? If this is true, I will never get this one done. Never got all of them in one trip.
Yeah, it’s insane… I can’t get any higher than 33, most of the time I’m getting 32. How can we report this?
I think whoever designed that awful achievement is the person who created some of the annoying Maruuk daily quests. XD
Are there even 40 fish? And how the heck can you catch them when the boat goes at like 200 mph?
There are only 35 catchable fish, did this 30 times, caught a fish with every global cd and big net on cd if it could hit more than 1 fish, 35 every time.
Having issues like everyone else, got to 32, and that’s it, tried over and over, fix it please,
lol just because you can’t do it doesn’t mean it is impossible or highly impossible. It is harder without the bug but still plenty of people have gotten it
Have to agree I spent a few hours on this most I can get is 32 blizz needs to patch this or return to how it was and let us fly back and keep counter let’s see some1 try get 40 in 1 run
sure…look at all the proof out there!
Really? Like who?
It is VERY hard and annoying to do, but it is doable; I just got it. Had to run it a bunch in a row to get a general play together. Best advice for OP, is try to get to 16+ before the 1st waterfall by starting ASAP catching fish, start with the 3 solo close to start, then shift to as far as possible. As you start catching them close to your boat, rotate the camera and the original fish will have respawned so you can catch them again. Also use the ingame stop watch to try to get the mass net (skill 2) timed right for the groups of 3+ you go over. Also there are a few times going down the water falls you can throw the net to catch a fish in the “pools” below before they spawn, and it will catch them as the boat keeps moving and you can’t see them anymore. Hope this helps you guys!