It’s ridiculous how hard it is. especially when the ride jerks your point of view around, pretty much impossible after they patched it. This pisses me off so bad, I cant even believe they changed it before I was able to get the rep, they made it impossible for everyone else. !!!
Well, I finally got 40 in one go! Took over 30 minutes to get a rythem down.
Doable but not worth the hour I put into it just to get 33 fish.
(post deleted by author)
This is impossible if you have even a slight hand tremor. Not even worth trying. My wife has perfect coordination and she cant even do it
I have a slight hand tremor and I can defiantly say for me it is impossible, lol
Quest is still doable. Turn on highlighted options in interface & graphics. You need at least 14-15 fish before you hit the rapids. Aim for the respawns of the first four fish in the beginning. Took about 10 tries due to unregistered hits.
This achievement punishes anyone that does not have a great connection and super fast computer. Why does everything in this game have to be done by a timer? What other role-playing game functions this way? Come on Blizzard, stop being jerks with these things and give the casual player some achievements we can actually do.
The guy and the boat ain’t even there for me
It’s not possible anymore for many reasons. As people have said, you cannot get more than 33.
It’s bad enough that the quest-line is so bugged, that you have to go into WM to get the NPC.
But then you finally get here, and it cannot be completed.
There are so many issues.
You cannot get your camera to just stay. Going into settings, and telling it to not move does no good.
Even if you deal with that, and the shaking, and get through it, again, no more than 33.
When you fly back to do it again, you cannot jump in the boat. You MUST talk to the NPC to mount the boat, causing the counter to reset.
You must complete the chain, or he won’t be there. You cannot skip the bugged NPC that’s at 1% health. War mode finally worked the 3rd day, but realm hopping and toon changing to other realms had no effect for me.