<Risen Anarchy> | 6 HRS | Tues/Thurs 5:30PM-8:30PM PST | Recruiting for S4 & TWW

We recently moved over from Lightbringer. We have been raiding together since TBC. Many of us took a break pre-Shadowlands, and have reformed since we missed playing together. Our intent is semi-casual raiding mainly focusing on Normal + Heroic raiding (AOTC focus). We are proactively recruiting for The War Within expansion, and plan to have Mythic + teams to help us gear up, along with Awakened Mythic raiding and MOP remix raiding during S4 as soon as we have the raid comp. We offer the perfect environment for those players who recently have come back to the game by catching up with us.

Our guild places a strong emphasis on commitment, as well as our sense of community & camaraderie. We have cultivated a space we proudly call home, encouraging a first name basis amongst each other. :purple_heart:

Raid Times: Tuesday & Thursday 5:30PM - 8:30PM PST

We expect raiders to arrive 15 minutes prior to raid start time.

Current Spec Needs:

All classes

:star: All exceptional players are encouraged to apply and will be considered regardless of spec :star:

Other Expectations:

Team player traits: this includes willingness to sit for roster rotations, AND standby to fill in as needed.

Maintains a non-toxic and tenacious attitude/mindset for prog environments.

Eager and driven for self-improvement.

Knows how to balance a healthy understanding of a competitive spirit and team-oriented mindset.

Greater mechanical awareness and prowess: this includes the ability to self-telegraph basic mechanics of a given boss fight without any raid lead “hand-holding”.

A core player seeking a long-term home.

If you are looking to play with a guild of adult players and are like minded, please feel free to reach out and let’s chat! :blush:

Discord Contacts: @Tyronious88

Battlenet ID: Tyronious#1742

added on discord