Rise of the Zandalari

New mounts, catch up gear and actually being able to afford enchants? Sign me up.


Catch up gear? You literally get all the valor gear for a character and have lots left over in a week of heroic dungeons.

You can get 330 ilvl in an hour after hitting 85 if you lvld right. Heck i didnt lvl right on my one hunter and still hit ilvl 330 in an hour while still wearing the heroic legs from ldw.

Also they arent new mounts the bear from za is reskinned.

Well I mean the gear is 353, better than heroics and since I have like 10 85s i’m kind of tired of doing heroics.

I’m just saying, its new content with free gear and mounts in addition to being able to not have to shell out an arm and a leg for enchants.


So my mount score goes up by 1 is what you are saying.

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You do know that these are heroic dungeons right??? not raids!!!


You’re gonna still raid log then too. It’s just 2 dungeons with 353 epics


right these dungeons are a joke its pointless blizz should have just released on launch or atleast upgrade the gear to 363 ( the medium ilvl )

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I am afraid that if you are really running 10 x 85’s (and not saying you aren’t) you are going to get tired pretty quick of just 2 additional dungeons.

Content draught was one of the things that people disliked about OG Cata.

yeah and blizz is repeating the mistake again 6 months of P1 raids is stupid id rather have 6 months of Firelands to farm staffs vs 6 months of these raids


True while Firelands would probably have been the better longer chunk choice. It is a setup period for your average player. Something of which we aren’t. Hell I’m so far away from the average player… I’m using this period to level a crap ton of toons personally (12th is about to hit 85).

Like in total I’ll have 27 85s. Even if only 10 would be raiding (with that actual number being 6). Then if the pattern holds and we get the new class/race combo and the lifting of the DK restriction another 7 during the prepatch.

Tis a very fun time.

I would also much rather spend time in firelands as well to get legendaries that people actually care about vs the gear this tier. Not sure why they wanted phase 1 to last so long.

firelands is only 7 bosses. The first 6 except for the bridge guy are free

because blizz doesnt care about cata theyre focusing on SoD and retail and now they have people who are doing content on all 3 and those players are crying about not having enough time to do everything one of the reasons why blizz isnt doing 2 lockouts a week for MC in SoD

The boss count has nothing to do with the fact theres a legendary to craft for guilds

The only thing that matters is killing the final boss of the tier. The pixels go away every expansion.

the fact that Cata is only 12 months long and the 1st 6 months is being spent in P1 is stupid!!! Thats what we are trying to say.

I hope they open Molten Front with or soon after ZA/ZG


Yes it actually does. I just looked it up.

Google it.

You asked if it said july. not " It July over yet?"

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the thing is simple KNOWBODY wants 6 months of P1 thats stupid blizz is repeating the same mistakes again

That is true of literally every tier… no one wants 6 months of it… at least no one that comes to these forums, but that is the minority of players.

It is always about 2 months in the people here start complaining.