Rise of the Streamer

It’s evolved with the internet. It’s not really just streamers.

Remember when WoW launched YouTube didn’t even exist yet. Now I can find “how to” guides on YouTube for virtually anything in the world I may want to do (outside of gaming).

That evolution is what happened. It went from just websites run by a few people like Elitist Jerks and ArenaJunkies and thottbot to massive database systems like wowhead, Warcraftlogs, and raider.io. All of which would still exist without streaming.

It’s living in the Information Age of the internet, not streaming that drives this.

Do you have “Critical thinker. Wolf, not a sheep.” in your Twitter bio? :rofl:

How could I have more achievement points and mounts than you and not participate in the game?

And that’s not a flex because I can see your toon is a badass but it’s disingenuous to say I’m not playing. I’m just not doing the same things you are.

Everyone expects you to play a single player game a certain way?

Lol wut?

That’s part of why playing single player games can be so fun. It’s so much easier to just play and figure things out on your own and enjoy it.

Multiplayer games have this expectation you already know stuff in advance, or at the very least some people do and won’t shut up about it.

You know damn well what I mean.

No, I don’t.

Okay, in wow, you are expected to play the most optimal build, class, spec or you risk not playing at all.

Which streamer told you that?

I actually refuse to play this way; which can create artificial barriers. I’m sure I could push into the 24-25 range if I went full meta, only played with people who also play meta and only played meta routes. That just feels so anti gamer and boring to me though.

Go out of your way and play what is fun to you- the way you wanna play; and advocate for your friends to do that as well. You’d be surprised at how you can still make it to 22+ keystones with the “bottom classes” playing them the “wrong way”.

I spent a huge amount of time in the first seasons wearing luffa’s instead of ursoc’s; playing with galactic guardian instead of incarnation. As my friends played classes whom would never get into groups because they weren’t meta enough. Made some great friends along the way doing this.


Jesus…just don’t reply to me anymore please.

Like I said to someone else, no one seems to be able to elaborate when they constantly cry about streamers lol.

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I don’t use Twatter.

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Ah, Truth Social. Sorry.

Tovi, I am saying you don’t play with others very much. You know how hard it is to find an Affliction Warlock to run L$D when they can play Demo in a better comp?

I’m not knocking your choice, but this is the result of meta gaming driven largely by streamer culture.

I actually like you and am in no way trying to disparage you.

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I can assure you Sabbia doesn’t get it.

I also don’t use that either.

Which streamer culture? We’ve been meta gaming in WoW since day 1.

No, I don’t get why someone would talk about single player games within reference to how one is “expected” to play.

How many people saw the last raid in vanilla? Less than 1%.

Tell me how meta everyone was. What were you like 4 when vanilla was out?

I believe thats called the howard stern effect as he had an anti audience as big if not bigger than his actual audience who listened to his every broadcast to complain abouthow horrible he was.