Rise of the Gamers: The backlash that is hitting the gaming industry

And that is the only thing that will bring the shareholders into play … a disappearing revenue stream. Not player angst over this game element, or that game element, or some other game element. Those things don’t mean anything to investors; all they want to see is that dividend check, and/or the company’s plan to restore, increase, or replace that revenue stream and keep those dividend checks coming.


Players should be paying attention to all the gaming companies. To see which one breaks first and changes things for the better of the players. That company/game should be the one all players move to in support. To make the others wish they should have moved fast enough to keep players. But as long as players are using store/cash shops it won’t fix anything. Even the players that recently bought the Vulpine mount aren’t helping. There just adding to the problem.

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Game companies have learned that they can pray upon the worst parts of the human psyche to make more money. It’s underhanded and unethical. I’ll pay monthly for a game that I love and even happily fork over a chunk for a large mass of content like what comes along with an expansion pack but the loot boxes/card packs pray on a persons lack of self control and impulsive. Rewarding people for spending far more money than is reasonable for any game. This type of predatory behavior should be outlawed int eh USA. my 2 cents.


before reading into your whole post I need to point this out immediately. Expansion packs are a good thing when they were filler to improve upon the original game before a proper sequel could be made.

EA turned them into cash cow bull crap add ons. you want good expansion, look at all 2000 era Blizzard games. Expansions used to be a good thing.

The last 10 years the gaming industry has been polluted with money grabbing bull crap.


You do realize when player angst happens. Players quit playing, and the revenues drop.

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That’s been going on since mid- to late-Wrath with little (if any) impact on ATVI stock. Even right after Blizz quit reporting subscription numbers, ATVI showed an increase in revenue from other titles and “services.” Like I said, player angst doesn’t mean a thing to the investors … only the bottom line and those dividend checks.

If Blizz announced server set-ups on Mars and little gray men subscribing by the thousands, the investors wouldn’t care as long as profits increased and they got their dividend check. Blizz could announce tomorrow that they were going F2P and increasing microtransactions and hiking the cost of in-game services for WoW … the investors wouldn’t care as long as profits increased and they got their dividend checks.

Shareholders in Ford Motor Company don’t give a rat’s behind that Ford will cease production of sedans in the US and start producing the Bronco and Ranger again. All they want to know is will profits go up, and when can they expect to receive their next dividend check? They don’t care why something happens, only that something DOES happen to increase the stock’s value and their next dividend check.


They had vendors for every slot depending on your class. Mail armor merchant had tier sets for hunters and shamans, cloth had it for priest, warlock, mage etc.

They were there the whole xpac…

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At significantly varying rates tho…

More subs = more profit tho. Pretty simple connection.

lol no

Even this is a bit out of touch. You are trying to explain things in a very black and white nature.

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Gamers are tired of all this paywall crap. However money talks. The few that aren’t, put enough money in to keep the incentive to keep doing it.

Half the people that are sick of it, want the stuff so bad that they pay anyway.

Money talks and unfortunately when you have a publisher greed is more important than a quality product that people enjoy. Blizzard used to be all about quality unfortunately.


lol yes

Do you HONESTLY think that, at a shareholders’ meeting, they’re holding discussions about how many world quests are in the xpac, or the mechanics boss X uses during an encounter, or whether there’s a hidden pathway up the side of a mountain or not in zone Y? The shareholders don’t give a crap about that.

They’re looking at revenue streams and nodding their heads ‘yes’ if it’s higher than the last shareholders’ meeting, or raising an eyebrow if the next quarterly dividend is projected to be higher or lower. They absolutely don’t give a rat’s behind about “why” it’s happening, only that it IS happening. They care about any lawsuits the company has had filed against it, any investigations the SEC or the FBI is conducting on the company, the debt a company is carrying, plans to expand or contract the company … but NOT the nuts and bolts of a video game title.

Shareholders don’t care about the game, they care about how the stock is performing. The company could be branching off into making baby diapers; they don’t care as long as the stock value keeps going up and their dividend checks are increasing and going out on time.

Not one shareholder sold a single share of ATVI stock because WoD subs dropped after Blizzard announced “no flying from this point forward.” And not one single shareholder read that Blizzard would keep flying in WoD via an achievement, and promptly went out and bought another 1,000 shares of ATVI.


Your entire post is ridiculous. You are arguing against something that isn’t there. You took my post and are asking non-applicable rhetorical questions and then firing off on random tangents based on the non-applicable rhetorical nonsense.


Sounds like a Michael Bey film.


And your arguments show that you have absolutely no idea how stocks and shareholders work in the modern world. You attribute to shareholders a level of concern and interest that simply doesn’t exist in the minds of people who are investing for the SOLE PURPOSE of increasing their net worth, nothing more, nothing less.


You paint with a broad brush in only black and white. I have no desire to discuss things with someone so closed minded. Have a good night.

It seems these days companies would rather go belly up than admit their wrong and submit to the player base…


So far you haven’t “discussed” anything … I laid out a position, you walked around it, said “no” and offered absolutely no counterpoint. That’s not a “discussion.” It’s a child telling Mommy to buy that cereal, and pouting when Mommy says “no.”

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Pride goeth before a fall. I read that somewhere … :sunglasses:


Like the current wow devs lol.

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I get why people are mad at the devs right now but I also think as gamers we are often our own worst enemy, being a toxic idiot won’t get the changes you want implemented.


So overall bring back wotlk era but with mists of pandaria glyph system.

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