Rise of the Gamers: The backlash that is hitting the gaming industry

Slight difference though I must say,when players want something in FF XIV,it’s a hit when delivered,when Blizz does it,it’s suddenly hated despite said requests being delivered exact. Am I saying they’re infallible and can do no wrong? Hell no but there’s no denying from past observations, WoWs fanbase over the years has become fickle as Hell as though they can’t unanimously agree on what they really want which I can imagine can be super frustrating to devs who work on content.

People wanting scaling akin to GW2 and old content to be relevant to level through without being rushed and unable to finish the zone’s story-Blizz delivered and people hated it all of a sudden despite getting what they wanted. Features they hated such as reforging were removed but once gone they suddenly want back. People hated Valor points and now want them back all of a sudden. Blizzard met people halfway with a fair compromise about flight but people still rage wanting it handed to them rather than proving they played the content which is what pathfinder is: A challenge to prove you actually played the game without rushing which was what made content slow down as people griped about not having enough to do.

Blizzard tried to make content outside of just raids and “PVP” to convey there is more to do but now people want to regress back to “raid or die” Blizz tries to do Q&As and recently put up a survey to try a form of communication to figure out what’s ideal to the playerbase- the questions answered are never good enough or “hard pressed” enough and implementing a survey somehow gets Blizzard mocked and the doomsayers going on about the friggin sky falling that “WoW must be dying if they mail surveys LAWL!” It just feels as though the developers can’t win akin to a stepdad trying to step up but the kid hating their guts. Or for a better example of how fickle WoW’s community has become over time:


Look at all the stock market geniuses coming out of the woodwork in this thread.


Rise of the entitled crybaby whiners.

Fixed the title for you


Make azeroth great again. There you go.

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You make some good points, but this is where you lose me. You assume that investors invest solely based on current or recent financials, forsaking attempts to familiarize themselves with what a company specializes in and what products they sell to gain revenue and grow as a company.

If I was heavily invested in Apple, and if they suddenly announced they’d start manufacturing electronic appliances, I’d be concerned. That’s not their specialty. As an investor I would consider that too much of a risk depending on how much R&D, production and specialization into those products they’d devote to it, seeing as how they’re a tech company that specializes in computer hardware and software. I may decide to sell my stock in the company based on this news.

Now, as this relates to ATVI, they’re branching into mobile markets that aren’t traditionally their forte. If I invested in ATVI grasping a knowledge of their previous products and gaming industry in general, I’d be concerned with the direction they’re taking right now.

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It’s called a bear market. Nothing more. As Freud once said, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. In this case sometimes a bear market is just a bear market, not an expression of your angst over a video game.


Then you’d be misguided, as the stock hits aren’t a result of any of those things. Let me explain:

When it comes to stocks, there is quite a bit of complexity surrounding them, but I’ll try to break this down as simply as I can, as not everyone cares about learning stocks. In brief, publicly owned companies have stocks which are traded on stock exchanges. Stock prices rise and fall based on their own merits, as well as the strength of the exchange they’re traded on, meaning if the exchange takes a hit, all stocks trading on that exchange take a hit.

The vast majority of pubicly traded game and tech companies all trade on one single exchange, which is NASDAQ. Recently NASDAQ took a significant hit, which caused all game and tech companies trading under it to also take a significant hit. Even companies that performed well suffered because of this blow to the exchange.

So while you may like to think that gamers rose up and caused the stocks to plummet, in truth we had nothing to do with it. Sure, we may have caused a small drop, at most 10%, with our ‘resistance’ but that’s it. The bulk of the damage was caused by factors outside of our control.


10% is still a difference. Activision/Blizzard, Bethesda, and EA were hit significantly harder than other companies.
While this could be a coincidence, I think a small portion had to do with how these gaming companies are performing at the moment. These companies are receiving a lot of heat ATM.

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10% is nothing. Stocks rise and fall all the time, and any losses suffered by the stock market due to outrage and gamer pressure quickly disappear within a day or so.

And no, as I already told you. The reason why these companies took a hit is because NASDAQ took a hit. You can try to link consumer outrage to these drops all you like, but they’ll never truly line up because they’re not the actual cause. Correlation =/= Causation.


10% is a lot, like holy s*** a lot. Don’t try to play that down.

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The exception to this I think would be when a company monumentally f$%@s up like EA did with Battlefront 2. The uproar around that did have a significant (albeit brief) effect on the stock price if I recall.

Again it’s really not. Look at any stock listing and you’ll see that. Stocks can gain up to 10% or lose up to 10% in a single day depending on how the trading goes. Today alone Activision Blizzard’s stocks have jumped up by 4% and trading isn’t even over, so it may grow even higher than that.

If you think 10% is a big deal when it comes to stocks, I’ve got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn for 50 MSK.


mandatory ten but still k

Holy Moley brother, get your head out of the back end of Activision.

um no, no no no not even close lol. Nice try though brother

This statement completely contradicts the 80/20 rule (or Pareto Principle). The “whales” are the minority, the smaller percentage of players.

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Shows how observant you are. I’ve been nothing but critical of Blizz and Activision. Try actually reading the post before you reply to it next time.

I do like a lot of the things proposed with this. The only thing I would like to stay the same are the talent trees. Sure, they could use some work, but they are WAY better than the stupid tree that was in the game way back when.


Agree with everything the OP said, and I can’t believe that someone on these forums has good ideas instead of just nerd rage and emo flailing. Would love to see all these ideas implemented, starting with PVP vendors.


Glad you like some of my ideas :slight_smile: sad OP didn’t tag the post I wrote where he got almost all this from :man_shrugging:t5:.

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