Yea, watching Blizzard roll over and give up its soul this year was the final straw for me.
I’m letting my Wow sub expire and am looking to move to a new gaming company with my time and money. Staying emotionally invested in Blizzard these days is about on par with wanting to spend Christmas with an executive from the tobacco industry while dying of lung cancer.
Before we could buy flying per character and this was before your time from the looks of things ( Per your account wide achievements).
Yes pathfinder does give you the ability to get flying for all your toons but it has one big fault. It doesn’t give you flying until the expansion is pretty much done with new content. By the time flying comes within a matter of a few months you are heading into the final zone of the expansion and it will be a now fly zone and plan on being there close to a year at the top end and 9 months on the low end .
Now if they were to take Path Finder pt 1 and made flying in the current zones completed then that would probably satisfy people some what and Path Finder pt 2 could be for zones added in possibly in the future.
My take on this is I’ve gotten 3 toons to 120 (2 horde and 1 alliance) I’ve done all the content to date so what content do I need to see from the ground now ? Trash mobs that attack us on the road after years of being told on the launch screen to stay on the roads where it is safe. Do I need to see the same npc every time I go to a zone to do the same exact WQs I did a day or two earlier. Why not let us short cut form WQ to WQ.
If they did stuff like that there would probably be more people in the game right now then in here.
My honest view is that it’s much deeper than this, it’s not just the gaming industry, but the movie industry and so much more.
At this point, it’s like the entire western culture is under siege, and people are tired of it, I mean the backlash is against political correctness, and people rising up and saying ‘we’re not having it’, that we aren’t having people bossing us around telling us what to do, imposing their way of life on the rest of us…that kind of thing.
When you have people unsubbing, and not buying the crap. Guess what, it does hurt the company. Lower time metrics, means less players, equals less people spending money on the game. Equals less profits. Why are you morons to stupid to see that.
Yup funny thing is if they brought back the original flying they would get at least two more million subs in the game, but they are not smart enough to see that.
Yet they had currencies back then as well. Which covered every single gear slot for you. You get unlucky you did not get stuck in your progression. Unlike with the current RNG crap shoot we have.
They could even bring them back with Path Finder if they streamlined it down.
I’ve always said pathfinder should only have 3 requirements and they should start at expansion launch.
1: Lore Master for new expansion
2: Explorer for new expansion
3: Max level on what ever toon the person is using to get it with.
(May be willing to add some chests because you have to explore to find them )
Things that should not be a part are .
Rep Grinds, Dungeons,raids or instanced pvp.
None of those have anything to do with exploring content so should not be a factor in flying.
Not in wrath it didn’t some of those pieces were added to the badge vendor after words. You also only got those currencies from a few places, prior to the LFD you were also limited as to how many badges were available.
Today there are far more chances to get gear, and that gear can be earned from more places. With rng the gearing comes out to be about the same as far as how much time it takes. (Though with the rng drops it could in fact be faster or slower depending on luck)
Hmm I guess you did not go to the room with about ten different badge vendors. Who had gear for every slot, and build you could think of. Let me tell you since this rng crap. I have been struggling, with gear the worse of any expansion ever.
Some of the gear that those v endors have was added after Wrath had ended. Originally you were only able to get cloaks, boots, and belts (that were no where near as good as the stuff gained from raids/dungeons) from them with out a gear token.
No they didn’t, They had a single piece for each class (I guess two if you count the pieces for holy paladin, resto/balance druid, and resto/element shaman) but the stats were locked for a single purpose.
Creative accounting can gloss over a multitude of sins. So the WoW subs are dropping … big deal, when the other titles pick up the slack and make up the lost revenue either through sales of the other titles or microtransactions. ATVI is producing the financial reports, not Activision or Blizzard or King etc. So long as the bottom line looks good to the shareholders and their dividend checks keep coming in, they don’t care how it’s done.
Until the shareholders see their quarterly dividends disappearing, it don’t mean a thing.
Well when you look at them shutting down content across all fronts. With China putting the new Diablo on hold. They dont have other games to cover, since they are doing bad across all games.
Dude I’m not stupid man, you couldnt buy flying for kalimdor or eastern till cata. In wrath it was only northrend and bc.
While I don’t agree with time gating it off. The way you get it through pathfinder isn’t a bad thing and to be honest it keeps people from flying away if your into warmode.
Overall it’s not that big of a deal. Flying gets you somewhere quicker, helps leveling etc. Do I agree with it being locked off till 7.2, I don’t but that doesn’t make pathfinder bad. I don’t really think flying is a make or break system in the game. Cause most of the games I played never had flying. Fast travel yeah but no player flying. I don’t really think it matters that much when it really comes down to Gameplay, rewards, etc.
LOL well not having flying is currently a game breaker for me. Cancelled my account over it. Sick and tired of all the time gating, and stupid crap they have been doing since MOP. Gave them three xpacs to fix it. They did not listen to us players, so I have left the game, and will never come back. Having a blast in FF14, which built a great game, stole much of what used to make WoW great, to include flying.
Flying killed the social aspect of the game. What made the game great was meeting other people on the roads, having people join in and help with quests, and knowing the game was populated with players while you were traveling.
Flying killed all of that. If you want to zip around and not spend time actually playing the game, then go play Skyrim or another single-player RPG. Flying has no place in an MMO. Even GW2 knows better than to add full flying in their game, and limit it strictly to gliding and pseudo-flying with the Gryphon.
The best thing WoD ever did was remove flying.
For all of its short-comings, at least BFA feels like its a populated world with characters in it. When flying was widespread, it was almost like playing in a single player game with no one else. It was part of the cancerous ideas that is currently leading to WoW’s downfall, and luckily the developers recognized this and made an effort to stifle it.
Well when you look at the sub drop that happened when they changed flying requirements, even people who have a sub 60 IQ, could see that was a bad thing.
WoD is generally regarded as a bad expansion. You can’t blame a huge drop in sub-numbers just because flying is gone, especially when said expansion was widely panned by even anti-flying people.
I doubt most people left solely because of flying being removed. It was likely the last straw for them, such as how item level scaling was the last straw for me. It was a contributing factor, but didn’t dictate the entire decision. If someone left solely because of flying, then they likely didn’t like WoW to begin with.
Flying was an overall terrible decision Blizzard made.
I can relate and understand where you come from, Brother. You will not get any sympathy from MOST of the players left playing this game. No disrespect but, most of the players left are the ones who see companies like Activision Blizzard doing no wrong. A large number of players that do not tolerate the things that fanbois do have left. Maybe do what I did and look to youtube or reddit/gaming forums with like minded players.