Your loss bud
Wrath also had badge vendors. Which made the RNG tolerable.
Your loss bud
Wrath also had badge vendors. Which made the RNG tolerable.
It’s been especially brutal on tech stocks lately. Musk, the Zuck, Cook,, probably have a 6-month supply of horse liniment in their offices to apply to sore neck and shoulder muscles from the near-whiplash movements of their heads having to snap back-and-forth between screens watching the rise and fall of their stocks day-to-day. Gaming companies are under that “tech stock” umbrella, I believe.
Gamers’ complaints (with rare exceptions) never make it to shareholder ears. All the investors care about is how much are their shares worth today, and what are the quarterly dividends going to be next quarter. Whether a particular title rises or falls isn’t one of their concerns, unless the financial reports show revenue falling off to the point that the dividend will be less than expected. And with modern day creative accounting processes, it’s not likely that information would even make it into the reports.
No, I don’t need to see the forums being flooded again by self driven whiners .
What you say but…let us not forget.
So you’ve never played FF XIV? Listening to fans allowed Square Enix to resurrect a near dead title and put it back on the plus side of the ledgers instead of pouring red ink onto the balance sheet. If they had ignored the fans, FF XIV would be just a fading memory by now …
I no longer pre-order any game from any company now due to all the bad behavior that these game companies are following. I will wait 2-3 weeks for a much hyped game to see if the hype now matches the actual game. Tired of losing money hand over fist because of over promise and under-deliver. Once the game comes out and gets real reviews that will allow me to make a better decision on buying the game. It is time we all stop being lemmings and actually vote with the wallets.
Personally I’ve been a lot more stringent with buying games for quite some time. Since CoD 1 I used to buy almost every CoD game up 'till MW2. After that I hadn’t bought one 'till blackout.
I reckon I saved about 2-3 minutes of wasted reading. Which is a gain.
Not sure what you mean here.
No, it doesn’t. Companies file FINANCIAL REPORTS by law. Internal metrics used to evaluate customer wants/likes/dislikes are NOT part of those reports and there is no requirement for them to be in those reports.
Players who stop logging on hurt the /played metric, to be sure. But as long as they’re still paying the monthly sub fee, there is ZERO impact on the financial reports.
And even if there is a drop in the revenue stream from a number of lost subs, as long as the company can show gains in microtransactions, cost-cutting in manhours/resources to produce, or any other creative accounting practices, even lower revenue from subscriptions won’t be in the financial reports.
Remember, those “by law” financial reports cover the entire Activision-Blizzard spectrum, which includes more than one studio, more than one title, more than one revenue stream. The reports are a compendium of input from all of those sub-functions, expressed as ATVI financial health and prospective.
People were complaining nonstop about being “forced” to cap valor every week or that the gear offered there wasn’t compatible with their spec. Or that the tier pieces were wrong, or the stats were bad or the options were limited…
The list went on and on. It was why it was removed. Blizzard catered to the whiners.
Either that or we’re going into a recession because of the orange dufus sitting in the white house.
If only we could see whether or not the rest of the stock market was, likewise, tanking…
Fluctuations in the DOW, S&P, and NASDAQ are pushed by a slowing economy in China, OPEC cutting oil production, uncertainty over the ramifications of BREXIT, the overall health of the EU with Poland and France and Italy and Greece pushing back on edicts coming out of Brussels, and other factors far more serious than anything going on in the US, and much Much MUCH more serious than the health of gaming companies.
Problem is and you are right the investors don’t care about how a game plays or if the players are enjoying the game.
But they should . They make money when the games make money and the only way the games make money is if people are buying them and playing them especially in a sub based game like wow.
No, it wasn’t. Just as prominent, maybe, but not just as prevalent. Saying that is like saying the number of motorists on the road in 1955 was just as prevalent as it is now. No, it isn’t.
Yes, there was RNG in Wrath, and it was a prominent feature. However, it wasn’t RNG stacked six or more times per item/event. You actually stood a very good chance of a piece of gear dropping for you with relevant stats for your class and spec; the problem was getting the gear to drop at all.
Since then, you have RNG as to whether a piece of gear is going to drop or not, if that piece of gear drops RNG will decide if it’s for your class, if it’s for your class RNG will decide if it’s for your spec, if it’s for your class and spec RNG will decide if it’s going to have any stats that you can use, then RNG will decide if it’s an upgrade to what you’re already wearing, and RNG will decide if you even GET the item or not.
Just like the number of motorists on the road has increased since 1955, the prevalence of RNG in World of Warcraft has increased since Wrath.
Wrong they did not meet anyone half way with Path Finder . It was the result of them being told you better find a way to give people back flying. You think the investors were happy with the sub drops that happened when BLizz said no more flying . No it cut into their investors profits. As for being lazy , would you call reaching max level , doing all the zones and in a lot of cases getting Lore Master and Explorer cheevos for the expansions as well as farming the gold to afford flying as being lazy or not immersing one’s self into the content. By the time you have made max level you are not doing content , you are more or less running in a circle chasing your tail.
Path Finder was designed so that they can put little effort into content and stretch it out over a ling period of time to give the illusion that you are getting more then you actually paid for.
There were classes whose entire rotation relied on rng, of the spirit, of the wolf, and the other affixes were still very random.
In wrath you also only had a few places you could get gear from. Before LFD you were limited in how many badges you could earn in a week. Today, we have so many more ways and places to find good gear.
As they say in the Catholic church on Tuesday nights, “BINGO!!!”
And so many more levels of RNG to determine if we’re going to get it … Same with the RNG on abilities and talents – more RNG on them now than there was in Wrath, if we even HAVE those abilities and talents after so many years of pruning.
Not really, you do the Content and get flying? Idk. Why everybody dislikes it. You do a rep grind once and it’s done. You don’t ever have to do it again people just complain too much about little things that have very little game impact. Such as blizzard business practices. Has nothing to do with the game, but people are in shock in awe for no reason.
Thats my rant, I don’t mind pathfinder. It’s nice to be able to fly so there’s that.