Rise of the Gamers: The backlash that is hitting the gaming industry

Exactly this bud!

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Here let me summarise:

Blizzard your stocks are dropping like the rest of the gaming industry, you have lost a lot of subs, we have given you ample feedback, fix your game.

Sound about right?

There is no real reason anymore to give feedback, they are simply not listening to us or won’t tell us why the game is not being changed to give the gamers what they want.


Thats the thing. They don’t. WoW moved to a retention model years ago, hence all the endless grinds and increasing amount of in game Skinner boxes.


I don’t think it’s safe to say anything about how the game world relates to the market. Stocks respond to two things literally: fear and greed. There’s absolutely no concern for how players feel. It’s a huge mistake to think otherwise.

On trust between game companies and players, this is a deceptively easy relationship. As much as gamers swear loyalty or swear off something, there is no such thing as either. Players are fickle and will play whatever they think is better.

Case in point: D&D. Fourth edition came and players split, some sticking with it and about half jumping ship to another game, Pathfinder. These players swore wholeheartedly they would never go back to D&D. Except when 5e came, they did just that. Not all, but many.

Loyalty be damned, swears be damned. Gamers won’t rise together–unless it’s to collectively jump ship to a better game.


This is just silly.

  1. Your attempt to boil down the public trading of corporate stocks and commodities is a bit…simplistic. I hope you aren’t involved in the management of my investments =p
  2. Of course there is a concern for how players feels. Players are consumers, and the chief drives of the gaming industry. We fund these giant companies with our wallets. As long as they want our money, our concerns will have an impact. Weather or not these companies CARE about our concerns is a separate matter entirely though.

Thats a big generalization you just made and carries zero weight.

That describes and aspect of a free market, does it not? Consumers choosing one product over another. Ya know, gamers feeling like one game is better than another and choosing it. In other words, gamers feelings having real impacts on the gaming industry…


Great response man. Couldn’t have said it better!

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I didn’t read too far in it, cause i’m gonna guess it’s a bunch of suggestions you listed off.

But what the hell’s up with the mentions of stock market lately? what, you guys wanting to invest in Blizzard’s stock or something? I honesty don’t get it.

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I’m just glad Bethesda was able to solve that world wide Canvas shortage. Whew!

Odd coincidence that they found whole tankers full of the stuff just as Congress started sniffing around.

Just a coinky-dink I’m sure.

(Of all the cash shop purchases I’ve made from Blizzard, from token to charity pet, I’ve never, EVER, had an issue)

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The stock market is reflecting a lot of things, 99.99999999% of which have nothing to do with gamers.


Stocks don’t fall because gamers are upset. The stocks are falling because investors are worried about MTX regulations being put in place. And since MTX are a large source of revenue, investors are worried that restrictions will affect it negatively.


This is a huge flag that proudly displays " I don’t actually do m+ on anything beyond trivial".

RNG = If you don’t need it cause you already have tons of it, grats you will get more of it! If you need it only for transmog, you have a small chance of getting it. If it’s your last slot to upgrade and you really really need it…the system will avoid that item like the black plague!

On the whole you got a plate full of cookies, 19 of them are raison cookies and 1 of them is chocolate chip. You got sick off eating all those raison cookies and now when you get to the chocolate chip you can’t even taste it anymore. :frowning:



Ive been saying this since they removed it.


Concerning the frog, that was a real experiment and they cut out part of the frog’s brain stem. A fully functional frog will jump out of the water as soon as it’s uncomfortable. More likely as soon as you set them down.

I think all of the AAA publishing behavior is a direct result of publishers being bog-standard stock owned corporations that happen to have chosen game publishing as their means of making money. It was an easy target.

You can see it in the response to games not making enough money. It’s never to invest more time or effort into making a better product, it’s always some scheme to change how games collect money, or a reduction in spending (staff). I guess this might work if game development wasn’t already a very cut-to-bone process already. Contract work and layoffs are already a common thing.

I’m hoping something happens to game development the way T-Mobile happened to the mobile network provider market. T-Mobile was facing extermination and tried every standard corporate scheme and none of it worked. They couldn’t change how they charge, they couldn’t merger with anyone and they couldn’t go private. As a last ditch effort they gave people the product they wanted (unlimited data plans). There success forced other providers to do the same, and now I’m out in the sticks with an internet service, which didn’t look like it was ever going to happen. T-Mobile had to be facing ultimate death (for a corporation) to make this choice, so I don’t know if game publishers will ever make this choice, but there is at least a non-zero chance it will happen.


Some good ideas and alot of fluff too. But i will add:

Hate raider io? Then figure out why it exists and fix that. Stop giving 370 and 385 gear from warfronts. Stop inflating ilvl on people who don’t do challenging content. Make ilvl matter again, and delete titanforging. Raider io exists because ilvl doesnt matter, because a fresh 120 is 360 ilvl a few hours after dinging. People are 370+ ilvl and have never stepped in a M+ higher than a 5, or heroic raiding.


I’ve done up to +15 back in legion bud. I haven’t done that high in BFA but yea go ahead an leave your invalid input.

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Considering how different m+ is in BFA vs Legion, its completely valid input.

Trash was almost always trivial in Legion. BFA trash requires regular CC (more CC depending on the week/affixes), regular interrupts, regular mechanics, timely usage of stuns, etc. I am 100x more engaged in BFA trash clearing than I was over all in Legion.

lol @ the idea that angry gamers can shift entire financial markets that have nothing to do with them. :rofl:

Wouldn’t that make the snowflakes feel great, that their whining had anything to do with the tech sector free falling? Sadly, it doesn’t.


Pretty much this PVP should be determined by skill rather than gear just dont suck and the participants should be fine :stuck_out_tongue: ,also people gripe about RNG not realizing it’s been around for ages even before video games were a thing. Tabletop RPGs such as D&D,Pathfinder,etc practically ran on it with constant need to roll the dice to determine your fate and if your weekly campaigns gave you sweet upgrades. Hells,offline RPGs [given anyonengriping has even PLAYED one] have always been the same way as have earlier MMOs such as Everquest and the alleged “pureness/can do no wrong game” that was WoW Vanilla where the RNG was actually harsher than it is now [frost and fire resistance anyone?]

The RPG genre is all about commitment so there’s going to be obstacles and rewards that don’t drop right off the bat on a silver platter,it isnt always some insidious “casino” conspiracy or whatever buzzwords gamers drop when angry [which seems as though they’re always angry these days,well that and passive aggressive],RPGs have ALWAYS been this way.

Oh god that lot of text OP

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