Classic is thataway…
I don’t think the stock market performance of game companies is a reflection of the bad business practices, rather that’s just indicative of the fact that the end of 2018 was rough for the whole market. However, game backlash is a real response. If the industry doesn’t turn it around they might precipitate another gaming crash and the gaming stocks will react in kind to that.
I’m for whatever brings people back to the game at this point. I could play this expansion fine, even tho it is the worst exp IMO, if my guildmates and my online friends haven’t quit. So, whatever it takes to get them back, and/or get more people playing I am good.
You know why that won’t work?
Because people complain, and at the same time keep paying, and keep buying garbage like BfA and Fallout 76, on top of micro-transactions.
Every time I see someone with the Vulpine mount in-game I /spit on them. As Bellular said, to buy anything but the sub from Blizzard is to encourage their downright evil behavior and allowing it to continue.
Game companies know the deal. We have loud mouths but weak minds, and we keep buying even when unhappy. We’re the enablers here.
You are always a ray full of sunshine.
What is the difference in buying the vulpine mount with gold, and buying the frog mount with gold? Other than the fact the frog mount is a lot more expensive?
The stock market is tanking all over , not just in gaming, and there are many reasons for it. But, the rest of your post still stands pretty good.
I think what a publisher want is that everything is determined by the size of your wallet than anything else. They don’t care about your skills, they just want your money and they’re willing to go quite far to get it. I’ve seen some really shady practices over the years.
WoW is a mmo however and not just a “rpg”. WoW has some ridiculous rng these days thanks to the design of the game that they’ve stuck with for a while. The only thing missing is an item sold in their store that increases your chance like one of those reroll tokens - but sold for actual money. Just wait and see, eventually they’ll get desperate and the game turns into a full blown f2p, by then it will most likely be run/maintained from China.
Nah bro, CCing everything and DPSing 1 mob down at a time was totally more challenging.
What people don’t understand is the drop in stock prices is a result in a tech industry bubble pop. Sony, Ninetendo, rockstar … every company you look up will show a decline in the past 6 months.
What this decline hides however, is the hit EA, Activision and Bethesda took.
For instance… Rockstar which posted large profits and gains this year have declined by about 16% from last year. Which is roughly the amount most tech companies decreased by.
Activision, EA and bethesda however… with their poor announcements and policies and terrible gaming practices are seeing much larger drops in player bases and stocks averaging 40% decline. More than double the industry.
That is the result of players speaking with their wallets and subs. This is the people not playing destiny and black ops 4, this is the people quitting wow, this is the people not playing overwatch.
If you compared the amount of 8/8M guilds in legion who completed the emerald night mare to how many guilds are 8/8 currently in Uldir its like 9k in legion and 1.3k or something now.
Anyone who keeps saying wow is not dying and people complaining are a vocal minority are flat out ignorant.
actually when players stop logging on hurting their time metrics. Yes it does effect the stocks.
We all have our thing in life. You defend Blizzard in every post, and go from thread to thread white knighting. I’m of a different mind.
I’d love to see the metrics of how many people purchased the Vulpine mount with gold, and those who forked over real cash. I’d venture a guess that 90% bought it with actual cash. Giving Blizzard ANY money besides the sub fee and the cost of the game is enabling their behavior and encouraging it to continue.
Creating virtual rarity for something that costs nothing and has no physical inventory is ridiculous. Their business practices are downright shady.
By affecting metrics it hurts the pay/bonus of the people held accountable for said metrics. It does NOT effect stocks unless the company decides to share those metrics with their shareholders and the shareholders actually care about those metrics.
In my experience, metrics like that are internal only but I will admit Blizz may be different - IDK. Shareholders usually get financial metrics. Stop your sub, the shareholders will see it. Big issues like the phone comment that is all over the news, shareholders will hear of it. The rest, not so much
Yet I am not defending Blizzard at all. Weird. And yes. Your mind is /spitting on people who own a mount, regardless of how they got it. Even though its a rather cheap mount to buy with gold.
And since we are going to make up numbers, can I venture to guess that 90% bought it with WoW gold?
Yeah a lot of these ideas I’ve written in my previous posts put into here and others been posting about for a while, interesting… Good that it continues to be brought up though, so Devs can keep seeing what players want.
Remember /spit means nothing. It’s just an emote and means something only for me, since the people with the mount have no idea why I did that, and they never will. So it doesn’t affect them in the least. Know what I mean?
As for the second part, sure, we can assume that too. The truth is probably more around 70% cash and 30% gold, but then again it’s a useless assumption since we’ll never know.
I’ve never played a game that listened to its “fans” and survived. Gamers are notoriously selfish, fickle and impatient. They want everything now and there is no satisfying them. If a game succeeds based on the original vision of its developers they should stick to that vision.
Except this game is far from the original vision…
Yall do know that Activision-Blizzard fired the CEO?
You mean CFO, right?
Yeah, my bad lol