Rise of Azshara Story Discussion (SPOILERS)

counterpoint our races dont look like butt

I’d also like to formally request the option to greet Thrall with “hello you dumb idiot coward. Your stupid hammer sucked and I threw it away.”


I’d probably feel that way if when I play through most expansions- aside from the Horde only stuff, the majority of quests aren’t dealing with Neutral/Alliance concerns in Neutral/Alliance cities. Which seem to receive a lot more polish and detail than Horde stuff.

If it’s the sheer number of quests that’s the metric, sure.


In the final phase he trips and impales himself on his own staff, summoning a band of harpies which proceed to strip him naked and mock him.


We get to kill Sunreavers?



I can tell that they really want me to be excited about Thrall coming back to “save the Horde”, but I still want to see him beheaded for everything with Garrosh.

His negligence is honestly worse than Sylvanas being intentionally malicious.


Hoping for a couple of memes where Thrall’s head shows up on that Tuxedo Mask “my work here is done” images.

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eyes the faction change button

If I have to deal with Thrall again I’m gunna ding dong ditch the shaman order hall until he steps in some flaming dog poop

Wait, who drew this?


Welp. Kinda hard to feel bad about this after everything, tbh.

This person

Wait, is that a dungeon journal entry?

Or a raid journal entry, yeah, looks like it.

I’m guessing she takes part in the Azshara raid (and dies lmao).

Wait, is that the same person who drew all the Jaina x Tyrande art near the start of BfA?

Because I’m pretty sure I owe them a life debt.


Boy howdy I haven’t even looked outside of this thread’s info yet and my sides are already in orbit

So, the Alliance has Alleria chilling with a void god in her brain and Thalyssra is the one who succumbs to old god whispers :rofl:


Eh, it just says she succumbs. So she probably turns into a void minion, then gets wounded and is all “arg I cannot go on, thus explaining why I can’t help you during the final fight oh no.”

If she dies, it’d be just. But there is no justice in Blizzard.


I just think it’s hilarious that this 10k plus first arcanist has been completely useless this entire expac.


Maybe it’s best to think about how she’s been withered for x amount of time and, before that, was stuck performing parlour tricks inside the dome for the last 10,000 years.

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Turns out thousands of years studying the wonderful magical world of bubble maintenance doesn’t help much