Rise of Azshara Story Discussion (SPOILERS)

Yeah unfortunately we’re probably another week or two out of getting names to all this shouting.

two alliance scenarios: one where you go rescue baine, and one where you ward off Ji Firepaw at the entrance via a convoluted dialog tree where you try to convince him that Aysa wants to go on a secret date with him and he needs to go meet her instead of investigating the intrusion


Wow here I thought even the sunreavers forgot about the purge

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Instead of the scenario you get a cutscene of Ji standing outside Boralus in a trenchcoat, holding up a Goblin Boombox


So do y’all think Aethas is gonna be a boss in the Sylvanas raid.

They get attention in different ways.

But as far as crazy speculation based on all the stuff datamined:

So looks like Sylvanas won’t be the final boss of the expansion. Her being dethroned and a new Warchief/regime thing looks like it’s going to be less of the central focus and something that happens as part of the war campaign.

Instead, it looks like more Old God shennanigans.

I’m thinking that Sylvanas will be deposed as Warchief -or her influence at the hands of N’Zoth broken- before the expansion even ends, resulting in Thrall, Saurufang, and Baine rallying the remnants of the Horde, forging some kind of ceasefire so everyone can deal with the N’Zoth, who seems to have been pulling the strings to get the two factions to fight this whole time.





Why on Earth would I ever want to do that.


I hate that the Alliance is once again setting out on a daring mission to save the Horde from itself. Can’t we just, I dunno, let the Horde implode??


Wrong character but I’m actually less surprised than I was initially as I fully expect these Rangers and their (frankly fairer than anything else the Horde has this expac) motivation to die like throwaway goons

Seems it’s specifically driven by Jaina, which does make sense. She’s grateful for the return of her brother.

Dunno that the whole Alliance should support it though. Not anymore.

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Doesn’t assisting dissident elements of the Horde make sense? Letting Sylvanas kill all the strong leaders who oppose her and completely consolidate power isn’t really in the Alliance’s best interest.


Actually, this is a good point.

I want the choice to save Baine and then later execute him myself.


Thrall is BACK and he, uh, hasn’t skipped chest day.



Watch: Nz’oth will be the end raid boss and Slyvanas will either be in the boss list somewhere dying dissapointingly and with no conclusion OR she’ll scurry off after getting deposed in the war campaign and be the final boss of a 5-man dungeon added in 8.3. Neither will receive cutscenes or more than a page of special dialogue for all the grief she caused both factions.

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Yeah. One faction gets content, the other gets “we’re talking about it.”

It’s more complex than that, but sure.

He’s got a serious case of peon face goin on right now

Is it just so hard to accept the Horde’s status as the preferred faction? In the face of every lick of evidence?