Rise of Azshara Story Discussion (SPOILERS)

I have to take any opportunity I have when Blizzard and incompetence comes up to remind everyone of that instance where presumably the game design lads told a CM to tell the BrM community they weren’t playing the class right.


Man I remember that, what a time. Or when they literally broke Demonology so nobody would play it, because they couldn’t figure out how to make it work.

Is it just me, or is this a pattern with Blizzard?

I remember back in the good ol’ days of Hearthstone, when the line was “Priest isn’t bad, the literal millions of you playing literal millions of Priest games just haven’t discovered the one good deck yet.”

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Rescue is pretty straightforward on the Horde Rebel and Alliance side, Loyalist is more vague, moustache-twirling, SatAM cartoon nonsense.

e: It’s like in anime/manga when you get a whole conversation between shadowy figures talking about “summon them” or “we’ll have to use that.”


So we’ve talked about the broadcast text and et cetera before and we already know that the Pandaren don’t exist. But some of this is just wild.

Ji Firepaw not actively and relentlessly opposing the whole Garrosh 2.0 narrative. Or at the bare minimum like, busting Baine out of prison. I guess he’d have to have any established character or memory for that. Oops.

The reference to the 5.2 story with Lor’themar after the entire meaning was blasted out of the water by subsequent expacs and also being basically irrelevant even in context. I particularly enjoy the “but if the Alliance tries to hold us accountable for our complicity in genocide we’re gonna have to FIGHT”. Yes, that is absolutely what Pandaria taught us, sure.

Bonus points for the throwaway line about Vol’jin “using” the underhold that never received any mention at the time and has immediately been undone by Sylvannas anyways.


The most important part of 8.2 is that the ankoan are awesome.

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Dont know if this was discussed before or not but:

Sylvanas has the loyalty of the people.

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Believe it or not but it’s probably the first time Blizzard has been self aware about their fanbase.



I think this is meant to inform us that she’s different from Garrosh in that her oppression is subtle, and she has people willingly giving up their freedoms and souls. That seems to be what they’re trying to imply in a few places.

I wouldn’t know, since I’m just a player and know all the available lore. Cuz, y’know… where’s the fun in having… a narrative?


Honestly, like I’ve said before, I mostly follow WoWs story now because it’s a comedy of errors.

I’m a bit flabbergasted at the sheer awfulness of the war storyline and Im interested in what hackneyed poorly written conclusion they are going to come up with.

It’s just insane how little they’ve actually written. BfA doesn’t feel like it has a central story.

It’s just random, disconnected things happening with little explanation if any.

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ngl saurfang, the warmonger, murderer and intended slaver, calling my nelf ‘champion’ really made me sick to my stomach

i think my time with wow is coming to a close, if only because i cant take this garbage anymore lmfaooo

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Once upon a time, having a central story to tell was a thing. It wasn’t just in gaming or books, but it existed in things like music albums - you might buy an album where all the music together told a story.

Blizz still does ok with this in zones. The zone storylines aren’t bad. Each one tells a different tale and they’re fairly interesting. They tie together well within each zone.

The overall expac story of the war is where they’re failing. In some cases, they’re being inconsistent or weak with characterizations. In others, they’re seeming to just go off to loose ends. In others, there are story details that don’t make sense. Maybe these were ok in 2009, but 10 years later, we expect a better effort.

It’s really not that surprising, given that pretty much every other Warchief we’ve had for the past decade has been trying to lose as many soldiers as possible for extra ~honor and glory~.

Just follows Blizzard’s tradition of introducing a race and then generally forgetting about them in short order.


Seriously. We only just met the Highmountain and everyone’s already forgot about them.


Maybe being forgotten is better, since that means they don’t end up mangled into something unrecognizable.

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I’ll have you know I haven’t forgotten the Highmountain.

I’ve forcibly ejected them from my memory so I don’t have to explain how EAGLES flew to gods damned STORMWIND.


It made me crazy trying to understand why both factions equally aided them but clearly the one led by the unhinged banshee woman was the better ally.

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Yeah but then you’re complicit in everything you don’t act against, even though you can’t, because you literally stopped existing.

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