Rise of Azshara Experiences So Far

Mechagon is by far better. Nazjatar has way too many ups and downs, dead ends, snares and the bejeweled quest is an rng nightmare. The jelly fish one is a pain, specially if you have poor latency, but at least it is solvable and then repeatable.

Just because you have no idea how different people play their alts doesn’t mean they are “useless”.

In fact “useful” is exactly the word I use for them, since so much content is designed to be most efficiently completed with an army of alts.

Same, but make it like 20 minutes. Got frustrated with a new world quest, and its not like there’s many options for others if you want to fly in …a month! /sigh.

But all the excitement I had for FF and 8.2 WoW is now all for FF. Super stoked, because I KNOW they have never let me down.

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I don’t work Wednesdays so I spent about four to five hours in Nazjatar and Mechagon, and cleared all the quests I could find. I got pretty frustrated by the end of it, it all felt fairly directionless and Nazjatar in particular just kind of faded off into nothing.

It wasn’t til today that I’m reading there’s actual timegating involved (which I had thought I read was the complete opposite of what was going to happen, oh well). I hate timegating, it’s a very negative player experience, not everyone plays the game the same ways and it’s a bit of a railroading tactic to force people to.

I wouldn’t say my day was ruined, but it was pretty disappointing being left with nothing but walking around both zones hoping rares would spawn to kill. I sent a friend a link to start WoW tuesday night, and I’m regretting it a bit now, because clearly the things that I expected to be getting better didn’t.

I dunno Bliz, I’m not gunna stop playing any time soon, don’t get me wrong, I’m a hardcore raider and you can have my WoW when you pry it from my cold, dead hands, but I’m also not at all happy with where we’re at for BfA. You’ve had some massive hits, but far too many things have just fallen short, and I’m not happy with the game at the moment.

I really hope the new raid is good, because I don’t want to be in a position where we are struggling for numbers and seeing people just disappear.

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Trying to avoid looking at what other people are saying about the patch. The “internetted brain” is no joke.

I’ve been really enjoying it so far. The zone is beautiful and I LOVE the return of traditional dailies. World quests always just…felt weird to me. Why is it that an NPC knows I’m in a particular area when I walk in there and starts talking to me to tell me what to do?

I like stumbling across quests out in the zone. The music is lovely as well.

I’ve had trouble getting to the naga commanders, seems like there’s tons of players from various realms ready and camping their locations so by the time I arrive they’re nearly dead.

Anyways, overall I’m having a good time. Would say more but I gotta get back to exploring and picking herbs!


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More of the same. which isn’t exactly bad, but nothing stands out as new or drawing. BFA kinda needs something over the top at this point. Maybe I just haven’t found that thing yet, but nothings screaming at me as the new hotness.

Eagerly await to see if you change the forced PvP stuff though.
That’s just nasty. Stop doing that.
Thought you’d learned your lesson there, Blizzard.

Flying came later than Legion. Should have just been “explore new zones get flying”. We’ve waited long enough for flying, why do you insist on dragging no flying out for so long???


I hate it, but you have my subscription for the next 18 months so what does it matter.

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It’s so damn time gated… revered reputation is going to take weeks boring 2 hour gameplay loops

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I felt like the emphasis early on should’ve been more on Nazjatar…it feels like it’s more Mechagon(after the initial quests)

I’m probably not the only one who feels this way, but thats just how I saw it.

Especially when you’re trying to gear an alt, I mean after Benthic there isn’t a lot out there in Naz. Wish there was more to do there :slight_smile:

Maybe that’s coming later on (?) , overall though pretty decent for a patch! Loved the water walls <3

I’m not sure I understand the derision in many of these replies, because I have thoroughly enjoyed the two new zones. Granted, we each have our own playstyle and our own expectations, so I’m sure much of it is valuable feedback. I also haven’t used warmode yet and don’t plan to for some time. Getting ganked while I play through PvE content ranks as one of the worst experiences I’ve had in WoW, so it’s not something I look forward to. I’ll do it when things slow down so I can get the mount, pet, etc.

There was one aspect of Mechagon that really frustrated me, though. I finished the intro questline and had no world quests. Upon doing my homework, I found out that Mechagon doesn’t have any, it has dailies, but even those weren’t open to me until the morning reset. Had I known that would happen, I would not have spent a few hours trying to figure out what was wrong, what I’d missed, or if my character was bugged. I’m still not entirely sure I needed to kill Seaspit - as the quests didn’t appear once the blueprint was turned in.

All that aside, I really am enjoying myself. When I discovered that I could paint myself blue and zip around with a jetpeck in Mechagon, I spent the morning giggling and buzzing people. There was an added element of danger since you could be targeted by the drones overhead and the big one even got me once.

I haven’t seen much of Nazjatar yet, but the zone is beautifully crafted with great attention to detail, and it shows. I plan to go back tonight and do my world quests.

Mechagon is almost interesting. At least for it’s tone and story. It will bring entertainment for maybe a week.

Nazjatar is in every way possible just a mild pallet swap of the bloody awful and dull as dirt mess that was Argus. It is EXACTLY the same. Just replace Legion Demons with Naga. The same horrid terrain that you spend most of your time cursing at as you try and navigate it. After a decade of these same reskinned recolored zones, with the same quests, the same repeated content, and that same, lack of character progression, or rather each time you get knocked back and have to grind to get back to where you felt your character already was a year ago. This is what you spit out when you already knew how freaking boring BFA is?

Look the lore has become a jumbled mess. (Exactly how many freaking times have we killed bloody Azshara already? If you are going to spit the same annoying Big Bads at us, At least make it ones that we enjoy!)

Everything about BFA has been about knocking us back. Stripping away our sense of accomplishment. Making it feel like just a pointless grind. Legion for all it’s flaws at least felt somewhat epic. We felt like our characters had in some way individually risen in prominence. That we had effected the world and become to some degree epic heroes. BFA stripped all of that away, in every way imaginable. And hasn’t provided anything resembling an interesting story or gameplay to return it. You stripped out all the good features from Legion, and spit back at us the dull grindy garbage. There is no longer a feeling or perception of reward in the game. Little things like changes to appearance have pretty much stopped. All the armor looks essentially the same. We have lost all feeling of accomplishment progress and reward, And bloody Nazjatar just urinates on our heads as we lie there in despair. You can do better Blizzard. You used to do better. You used to be the best in the world at doing better. Right now the only thing in your favor is you can say “gee at least we’re not Bioware!” That’s not a good thing.


I’ll be honest, I’m not having a great time.

The content feels extremely grindy. I know grinding is kind of a necessary evil in this game, but 8.2 doesn’t even try to disguise it. It just tells you “Go here, kill this, loot this, rinse and repeat for the next month or two” straight up. Story is very minimal and what is there doesn’t make much sense.

Enemy density is way too high which adds to the grindy feel, and a lot of the mobs seem to have abilities that are designed to discourage you from trying to AoE them down (heals, bubbles etc.) which would be fine if you didn’t aggro a million of them every time you did literally anything.

Nazjatar is a nightmare to navigate without flying. I don’t get why you guys do this. You take flying away and then you make moving without flying miserable. Argus was the same. Give us a mostly flat terrain if you aren’t going to let us fly. Stop putting cliffs and caves and multiple levels every 5 feet.

I can’t really enjoy Mechagon because I’m really dreading the Junker Gnomes as an allied race. I really wish you guys would listen to feedback and give the Alliance something they actually want. Sethrak, High Elves, Broken Draenei, Vrykul, whatever. Just not Junker Gnomes. Please.


Sorry Blizzard, this is a major fail.


More of the same boring pointless grinding with no soul or heart. But as has been said this was not the problem with the game and did nothing to fix the problems.


Enjoying everything but the jellies quest. WHY blizz WHY!

It’s alright, nothing spectacular, the only thing I care about is flying to make world content more enjoyable for me and seeing how slow the rep is coming, it will take a long time to unlock which doesn’t make the content more fun for me.

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Don’t you mean how many of us aren’t making progress because the Horde were camping us in Highmountain?

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So far it isn’t too bad.
However… It took me 3 hours to do the Drowning the Alliance quest. They need some kind of incentive to put WM on again, because clearly the new quests aren’t doing it. We had to camp a WQ because it was the only way we could find any Alliance.

Do a level squish and make everything basically like Classic with class balance + duo spec for hybrid classes, and you’ve got yourself the best version of WoW. Make leveling matter and fun. Get the greatest sense of community back because now it’s basically non-existent

I like the mix of WQ, Dailies, Weeklies, and standard quests on Nazjatar. Makes the zone feel more full and complete to me.

My biggest complaint is the Nazjatar PvP event. Losing 3 events yesterday by a score of <200 to 3,000 shows there is some kind of issue.

Overwhelming amount of Horde showed up, every time. Guessing someone Horde side started/had a group going for it and phased in a whole raid group of them to the shard I was on. Pretty horrible experience all around. Guards didn’t help keep anyone safe. Horde raid group like a swarm of locusts effortlessly killed and devoured everything they ran across. No one was able to take a tower off them.

Something needs to be done about sharding and Warmode.
These extreme numbers imbalances make the event pretty much unplayable for the under represented side.