I just learned my Rank 3 Ripple in Space essence on my warrior “Bashcutter-Stormrage” but I’ve encountered an issue.
I wanted to get rank 3 on my warrior so I could use the alt catch-up system using Echoes of Ny’alotha in order to buy the rank 3 on my druid “Bashcutdruid-Stormrage”.
The problem is, MOTHER tells me that I need to earn the essence on another character to buy the rank 3. Okay, odd. So I relogged into my warrior to maybe update the game. I thought perhaps it didn’t register. So I logged onto my warrior, used the essence’s power, and thought “hmm, odd.”
Then I checked my achievements and saw how I didn’t get the achieve for having all essences as epic or above. So it seems like the server hasn’t recognized my account as having the essence, first because I didn’t get the achieve, and second that MOTHER hasn’t recognized that I do indeed have the essence on another character.
the exact same thing is happening to me ):