Rip zaralek caverns. rares will despawn now

So let’s recap this stupid timeline Blizz created, shall we?

  1. ZC got released and we were all happily forming raid farm groups to do circuits to kill rares. No issues.
  2. Blizz decides this is “not intended gameplay” and so they started staggering the loot lockouts on the rares depending on which batch of WQ’s were up in different areas of ZC. Result? All the raid groups immediately died out because no one knew what their lockouts were anymore. So you would have raids splintering as they went after different rares thus causing RL’s to start kicking people left and right to save the rares for the original raid group.
  3. Blizz now realising that everyone has started bailing on ZC thus making the rares impossible to kill, quickly hotfix a WQ type group auto-list and search function like with world bosses whenever you get near a ZC rare. This helps a little but the horse has bolted and it does little to stem the mass exodus fleeing ZC.
  4. ZC dies a premature death as everybody stops doing all the world content in it due to the over-complication and completely botched band-aid solutions. So now you have all rares sitting up indefinitely with no way to kill any of them due to their gargantuan amount of HP unless you’re willing to afk kill a rare in tank spec for 5-10min or unless you’re a BM hunter.
  5. Fast forward to now, with ZC well and truly abandoned, Blizz in their infinite wisdom decides they don’t like how all the rares being up 100% of the time (thus blatantly showing for all to see the complete failure of the zone) try to obfuscate their shame by implementing a 15min despawn policy for all the rares as a final “up yours” as punishment to their playerbase because apparently we “played the zone incorrectly”.

…WTF??? :crazy_face: