Rip zaralek caverns. rares will despawn now

Will this count towards one o’ them free mounts?

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Continuing the discussion from Rare Elites in Zaralek Caverns and Forbidden Reach:

This is such a tone deaf take. The drop rates are already bad but that’s not the issue and you know it.

The issue is that these mobs need to be reasonably soloable by all classes, and no I’m not talking about tanks grinding their face across their keyboards for 20 minutes.

Nobody cares that the drop rates alone are bad. Farming rare drops is part of the fun.

What we care about is being unable to actually have a reasonable chance in farming these things to begin with.

There’s already a “these rares won’t be up today” rotation. Now there’s a despawn timer on top of it, and the cherry on top is you still need groups to solo. So let’s try this again shall we?

  1. Feedback has largely been “reduce the health and damage so we can solo these things reasonably.”

Blizzard’s response: Put the rares on a loot lockout, lie about buffing drop rates, don’t touch the health and damage, add despawn timers, and keep the “no rares in this zone for u today” rotation in.

Sure, they claimed for the second time recently to have increased drop rates, BUT THAT’S NOT THE POINT, especially if we can’t reasonably kill these things without posting Help Wanted signs four months in advance.


Of course they do. You can’t claim my take is tone deaf and reciprocate immediately with the same type of comment you accuse me of.

You also don’t understand I was one of the original commentors about having scaling for rares. I agree that would be ideal

Because it is. You come in with the tired and old “people just don’t want to do any work” type of logic and people are quite frankly sick of that awful elitist take.

It’s extremely clear what has been asked for and Blizzard has done the complete opposite of it all. To come in with another bad take that essentially blames players is indeed very tone deaf. Almost as tone deaf as Blizzard has been with ZC.

Yes it would be. If that alone was done then great. But no, that wasn’t done, now we have despawn timers, still have rotations, yada yada yada


This is because the vast majority of the people I converse with, that I read forums of, that have major discussions, are explaining exactly this. That is the take. Many people are just lazy and have very minor gaming ethics.

That is how I’ve viewed the discussions other people have put forth. After having read all the threads over months and years.
It is a reality. It is the majority.

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Well, you ignored my point, A lot of collectors don’t want instant gratification as you mentioned but some sort or progress for the time invested or at least some kind of agency over their playtime sessions and those rewards. I even provided examples from old expansions on which you could see the reward day 1 or invest multiple weeks, its all RNG but you’ve more control over your time.

We don’t even know the new % drop increase, it could be moved from 0.01% to 0.1%…but you should consider the ratio of attempts and how doing those attempts provide engagement, if you’re just waiting for a rotation of rares, a respawn…etc against your free time in this game and at then your attempt doesn’t provide any sort or progress and its just you get the item or not, then that’ll lead to a frustating experience.

Continuing the discussion from Rare Elites in Zaralek Caverns and Forbidden Reach:

That’s a really positive point of view thinking it’ll take 2-4 weeks, Drop rate could be 99% and some players could take years…

At least the the BLP for legendaries should be pushed to cosmetics as well…

Specially when Blizzard mentioned this:
Continuing the discussion from Bad Luck Protection on Legendary Axe and How It Works:

Because cosmetics are the aspirational goals for a lot of players in this game, however; Blizzard keep doing some of those a bad experience.


Why? Cosmetics/collectibles aren’t the same thing as actual player power. They’re just optional, which is why BLP has never been a thing for collectible rewards. Players are chasing them for collection purposes, not to advance their character’s power. Character power actually has an impact on gameplay, which is why QoL like BLP often gets implemented for things in that regard (or drop rates are just much more favorable).

As for the minutiae of how long spawns should be, what stats the rare mobs have, what drop rates look like, etc, as far as the collecting crowd goes, everyone has different preferences and it’s disingenuous to suggest otherwise. Some collectors want to kill a mob once and get everything it has to offer. Some don’t want a daily loot lockout on rares. Some want faster respawns or mechanics to spawn the mobs at will. Some want all rares to be soloable. Many fall into wanting two or more of these things, or other things that I didn’t think to mention here. But at the end of the day, collectibles are still an optional thing.

Me personally, I’m generally fine with however Blizz designs rares and their drops and take them all as they are. But this novel approach of having rares arbitrarily despawn for no discernible gameplay reason is something I’m not really a fan of, just wanna add that disclaimer before someone jumps on me for ‘defending’ that change.

Yeah I can’t see how people can look at a situation where you have a 15 min window to fly by x rare or its gone for hours is fine. Or worse to think that people who are upset about it just want everything in one go. We don’t mind farming the rares but we don’t want to waste hours of play time hoping it pops before we have to log.


You are the type of person who justifies the 3-day early access too aren’t you?

That’s not true several collectible rewards have a BLP implemented, check mounts for 10.2, you can get several from seeds but if you reach renown rank 18, you can purchase those directly with a NPC.

BLP for cosmetics have existed in pregvious expansion and there’s few examples, same with SL covenant mounts from rares or a vendor for anima / offerings.

For a lot of players that’s the meaningful progress, just like power is for others…meanwhile power is just a rotation between patches.

You’re right that changes from one player to another, but even if you consider it optional, for other players that’s their main goal and its not optional, there’s plenty of players that reach max lvl just to collect all those items as their main source of gameplay.

Almost everyone dislike this change because its more AFK time that you don’t see any sort of engagement or progress after you do your attempt, it just complicate things.

Exactly…We don’t need more AFK time in this game, the game should prioritze FUN engagement, that’s why I mentioned the BLP from legendaries as a solution because this isn’t fun then at least provide me with some sort of progression for each attempt that’ll validate my time invested…However; We don’t have that in this scenario and it’s just wait for an Addon alert and try again.

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How can I possibly have ignored your point when I wasn’t replying to you.

Well, I tag you here yesterday and you decided to avoid that point but well…I still wonder how are you happy with these changes? Because its Ok, there’s players for everything as mentioned by Ion. I’d prefer if these rewards were value as aspirational goals or implement better solutions but if you consider that a pure RNG reward that could take years is a good approach for the game, I’d like to hear your reasons.

I don’t know if we’re reading in different forums. But I rarely see people who are lazy. I only see people who want to put some effort in, but don’t want to have their time wasted with years of bad luck, hours of AFKing with nothing to show for and sometimes even no way of even killing the desired mobs because of their designs.


True, I’ve not checked the collection tab for players posting here but you can check mine…You’ll notice where I’m comming from regarding these changes, BLP as they did with other rewards and improvements.

The game should always prioritize FUN and I don’t feel like Devs do that with these kind of designs.

i remember taking 6 chars through lich king raid for a good 9 months every week for a chance at invinsible and it finally dropped and i even got screenshots from that day. it was a glorious feeling

2016 was a good year. got ashes and invisible and legion launched

Ask and ye shall receive, friends!

Twitch URL hidden below because I get nervous when it posts a big ol screencap in the forums:


It shall because I will have drops enabled anytime there is something free to give away!

I have to get going to work but I’ll try to be back later to respond to everyone here.

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Do you feel at that point it was glorious or just a relief feeling? That’s a difficult metric because it depends on each player point of view and amount of attempts.

At least ICC grind, you can set up your own time for those runs compared to waiting for a rare to spawn, that’s the big difference between some cosmetics grinds that you’ve agency over your time even if it’s being wasted by failed attempts or just being AFK waiting for a rare that could be a failed attempt…worse that doing a legacy raid attempt.

i wasnt hopping around the room glorious

i looked at the loot and said finallyyy

mounting was glorious though

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It sounds more like relief haha, Devs should try to provide a more fun experience and if it’s not possible at least provide some progress…imagine if Invincible was a 1% drop but every attempt increase it by 0.1%, you won’t notice but there’s an increase, the same feeling of getting luck will be achieved and the end user won’t notice the change. Devs can play with those values the base drop % and the increase ratio, so it won’t lead to a really bad feeling.

I didn’t know you were talking about a previous point when you quoted me replying to another person.

Personally, I’m happy because the time spent farming the mogs in Zaralekk Caverns to get those mogs, which I would have done regardless. Just went from days / weeks, down to days maybe.

It’s not the most ideal situation. For what it’s worth. It’s a good change from what it was.