Rip zaralek caverns. rares will despawn now

I was wondering why my rare scanner didn’t have a seizure when entering the area like it normally does. No one kills those things on my dead server.


Typically I wouldn’t say something like this, but… Whoever made the decisions for Zaralek Caverns needs to have their ability to make decisions for game zones removed.


I mean, someone had to say it.

Devs, we need some logic here behind why the change was made. Whatever your logic was, it seems like it goes against everything you have claimed recently to be about. It disrespects player time. It is making content even more irrelevant.

This change is so effing stupid. I am so mad that I am so mad about this. And, I’m saying all of this knowing that I already have all the rewards from the zone. I had to sit soloing a BUGGED Invoq for weeks trying to get the last collectable from the zone. I’d never wish that pain on anyone. Soloing that stupid ‘rare’ for 10 minutes at a time was not fun. It was not engaging gameplay. I had just enough gear on a handful of characters to do it. But evertime I started to solo that stupid rare (or any other), I had to kind of sigh. it wasn’t challenging, it was frustrating.

Now here’s the thing about scarcity: for ONE mob/rare, this would actually be cool! But for an entire zone of rares where the spawning and reward setup has already been f-ed compared to the rest of the game, it is incredibly stupid. Especially given you already screwed with this area already!

Let me be clear:
-How rares functioned in this zone (post changes) was a failed experiment. Yet, this is even worse.
-No one will like this new change.
-…just, seriously, WTH?


I used a quote to address this whole, “It’s not a problem, because there are rare elites in other places” to point out how nonsensical that is due to the actual problem of ZC.

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Go on…

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Blizzard: “Eh screw it, let’s make it 2, with a 6hr respawn!”

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And it’ll be completely random which rare actually spawns zone wide, with each having a 1% chance of spawning at all.

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Don’t mind if I do. The logic of “It’s rare it should stay rare” needs to die. It’s literally a pixel mob what are you going to do capture it like a pokemon or mount its head on a wall and tell everyone that you hunted this beast for 5 weeks before you bagged it? End story. Mic Drop.


Yes, the logic of “it should do what it’s name implies” is clearly bad.

edit because it obviously needs to be spelled out for you, that was sarcasm.

So glad we agree!

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Blizz “Good thinkin uhh… jimmy?, thats a raise worthy suggestion, sadly, we dont have it in the budget, we spent it on a new sylvanas plushies for the office!”


So what you’re saying is that it’ll cost us a raid tier?

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Is blizz going back on a anti-player base movement again?


blizzard on a out of touch with the playerbase crusade once again


One of the most tone deaf and braindead changes I have ever seen in WoW.

And I’ve seen some bad ones!


“yes but that’ll also increase our redemption arch story for another villain, but this time does alot worse then sylvanas!”


Don’t think you have the ‘own’ you think you got. The system in place of your so called “rares” is flawed with your logic. If they were truly “rare” they wouldn’t respawn in 2 hours they would take much longer. Rare is a term that defines something especially elusive when it comes to their appearance. Rare is something you’d describe when you sight an almost extinct animal. So why do they respawn in the first place if they’re supposed to be “rare”. Why do they not respawn 2 weeks after their last kill to be truely rare?

The system is flawed in its current state and is of no fun to anyone.



Oh god.