I still see some missing topics and i don’t consider some “click bait” as you mentioned, others are a little big like that to call attention like FOMO…etc but that’s a real issue among the community if you search for that word there’s a good portion of threads.
For example topics from Prosident that i still don’t see the same approach on other threads:
On which Halite and Worldpvp added comments about this topic, compared to Woltk on which some currencies like valor/justice points were available and help to have a determinisitc goal.
- Most part of your Alt friendliness talks about Shadowlands desing but it doens’t focus on the concept of alt, the playerbase really needs a perspective from devs about that, there’s a huge player base that consider alts like a different class that doesn’t need to enduer anything besides gear acquisition, other players call that main 2, main 3 instead of alts and those players refer alts like another class that must endure the same player power loops.
As mentioned by Prosident, SL wasn’t even Spec friendly until 9.1.5, how it was possible to design a scenario on which your BIS covenant for a spec won’t be the same for other spec and you couldn’t change it frequently.
There’s a lot of topics that should be focus on the philosophy behind, just like when Devs introduced corruptions on 8.3, i really hate now that system because i love it but i couldn’t experience it because vendor arrived late and it was a big grind, they keep creating toys but don’t let the players interact with them, how many Legendaries powers were created on SL, still almost nobody use like 90% of those. if the legendary power were like the essences on which you could change the power from the piece at any moment, it will create a better engagement for the player.
I would take from here that i’ve not seem on any other post, two things: Dueling Zones around pvp vendors, Brawl BG should have a random mode instead of 1 per week.
It has a great interaction between CC members at that moment and i think that nobody else talk about this topic, so many “parasitic systems” that are discarded at the end of an expansion, when the classes still suffer on balance and there’s talents that nobody uses, as mentioned before, Devs created too many legendaries power for the amount that allow us to create at 9.0 and then everything will be discarded, stop creating toys if the player won’t be able to use them and focus on the permanent systems like talents, even high end players mentioned this, there’s classes with a talent in the same row like : talen 1 3%, talent 2 18%, talent 3 79% of players using it, i know there’s a meta gaming but almost every build is the same due to lack of balance.
Right now WoW has been a game that has so many zones and previous expansions, however they don’t use that too much, timewalking is on a schedule, there’s so many things on a schedule. Players have other things on life and not always match with those “fun” schedule proposed by devs, we should have more frequent timewalking events, raids scaling…etc
Also, since Legion, Devs added World quest, but i wonder what part of “WORLD”, they don’t get since it feels more like expansion quest, we don’t have worldquest around the world that let us re explore old zones, there should be reasons to travel to other continents more frequently from a gameplay perspective instead we’re chain to the current expansion.
There’s still some point from those that are valid and not being touched again.
I respect your position and thanks for replying, i’m just following CC mechanic close, i still think the whole thing was launched too soon with important Devs working on 9.2 causing a first impresion of bad communication and there’s not event a stream Q&A scheduled yet between Devs and CC members, on the CC video they mentioned some activities likes calls, i could assume those are stream for any player to hear / watch.