R.I.P. Ret

Okay hear me out. I’ve been screaming about the fixes we need for Ret Paladin for a good minute as well…

But have you guys actually tried putting a build together with the conduits?

Some of these choices are Ret Paladin exclusive conduits, some are Paladin-wide, and some are covenant wide, but— a lot of these options directly address mobility and other issues of ours like survivability, look:

• Soulshape <<<< mobility
• Wild Hunt’s Charge <<<< charge stun
• Get in Formation
• Wild Hunt Tactics <<<< passive mobility

• Divine Call <<<<< WTF

^BRUV. Can we friggin talk about Divine Call? Max procs on Divine Call + Unbreakable Spirit means you could have like a 2-2.5min CD on Divine Shield. WTF

Also can someone clear this up for me, are we getting our freaking FEAR back? It says it affects HUMANOIDS

LINK: Turn Evil???