Going from 45 second CD to 2 minute CD pretty much guts and kills the talent.
Have to imagine it’s to battle it being used so much in higher keys. It basically took care of the affix the entire time. So this way you won’t feel as forced to take a shaman every time.
Feel like there was a better way than doubling the cooldown of the totem. Maybe the totem can only cleanse so many and then its used up, the shaman that placed it and one other person at random so it can help with the mechanic without trivializing it.
where is there anything from blizz about this becoming a 2m CD?
interesting, I don’t remember seeing that and it’s still 45s on ptr wowhead
can still be recalled (the totem) i guess
This will hurt, not just for the affix but several dungeons as well. Ara Kara had plenty of poisons, as well as last boss poison debuff in whole party.
Siege had a couple poisons, notably the 3 packs before third boss had a nasty poison debuff on the tank. City of threads had a couple poisons as well, nothing insane though.
I think it’s funny people hated “needing” a shaman for the affix and making things like Warrior less desirable. This makes those classes less desirable more now then ever and people will opt for a comp where those with dispels are always wanted.
You will still take the talent for the affix and probably should still take it in some select dungeons, bit annoying its CD is nerfed now that the CDR is gone. I hate having to “save”
Something like Poison Totem for an affix instead of using for mob mechanics, this exacerbates that.
You too, huh?
Blizzard back at it again, nerfing things INTO THE GROUND instead of just bringing up classes that are lacking.
Poison Cleansing Totem getting the Mass Dispel treatment. Feelsbad…
45sec > 2mins… Identical nerf
Now every healer is miserable. Thanks Blizz Good Job.
Yea =/
Even though the nerf maybe waranted towards its power in M+, they never revert the nerfs back after their single season M+ affix Blizz thinks off goes away. Kind of like the Mass Dispel treatment for Bursting…which doesnt even exist in the game anymore.
The proper fix would’ve been giving all healers the ability to remove poison. Even if its one player at a time.
I didn’t have issues with the Affix. – Its the fact that I can’t remove poisons at all and this Dungeon roster is full of poison.
That’s not a proper fix in blizzards mind, they want all healers to have moments to shine and homogenizing them isn’t something they’ll ever do. It’s why all healers don’t have a brez.
They at least should give healers their second dispel school for free instead of making us spec into it in the talent tree.
We will keep seeing these issues season after season. With the affixes Blizz comes up with every expansion involving dispells or a hard cc, all healing classes need to be homogenized in M+ to have their interrupt and dispels line up. Otherwise we will keep getting nerfs specific just to an affix in one M+ season, but the nerfs are never reverted back after that 4 month season is over.
PCT trivialized the last boss in Ara because on a +12 the dot does 7 million damage over its full duration if you didn’t dispel it. On a +16 it’s 10-11 million which guarantee kills you without a defensive and/or dispel. I’m expecting they’re going to nerf the last boss after this imho because it’s going to get seriously harder on high keys.
Then you have the Devour affix where PCT trivialized it completely. Groups were also able to run only 1-2 poison dispels because they would just use PCT to get rid of most of the poisons.
It’s a similar knee jerk reaction like what they did with Mass Dispel. The main issue is dungeon design, but they go and nerf the one ability.
This completely goes against “Bring the Player, not the Class” philosophy that Blizzard is trying to push for, but actively pushes against it.
Again PvP players suffer because PvE players cannot change 1 talent into dispel. Literally every spec could contribute to the affix. Yes Shaman could do it alone but even without it this was one of the easiest affixes. Elemental Shaman is going to get worse and worse in PvP because of M+ crybabies.
This doesnt just hurt PvP shamans, it hurts all shamans. This makes shaman less desirable as a whole.
That last boss of Ara is just stupid and needs a redesign
I get it but it was done for PvE reasons but in PvP it is not op at all. Now it’s a dead talent.
If it’s going to 2 mins, the least they could do is let it cleanse multiple people at the same time then.
Hey, welcome to the club. The exact same thing happened to Mass Dispel last expac. Shall we draw straws to see what ability gets its throat cut next?