Rip Hunter PVP. Abusable mechanics (Leeway) Is fun blizz

Let me go ahead and quote your whole post complaining about hunters being “god awful in pvp” all because of leeway.

Looks like you’re pretty upset.

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Replace the word pro with dead and your statement will be accurate.


Lol, I am not saying OP is a bad player, merely she/he chose to not use the abilities granted to her class! You cannot spec around intimidation, Entrapment, improved wing clip and or scatter shot and then complain you cannot get away from Melee!


No guy learn to read.

I am blaming hunters being trash in pvp now on leeway.

I m pve ing on huntard no way i would pvp this trash class.

I SAID I AM ABUSING LEEWAY like the rest of the skilled players are doing. If blizzard gunna give us a game breaking mechanic and say working as intended you’re damn right im going to take advantage of it…

I am saying its not right!

I played Hunter in Vanilla and if my Trinket was on CD and off guard they would most likely kill me. Without trinkets most of us die without even fighting back as Fears last way to long right now and the DOTs are crazy powerful. Once trinkets are implemented these classes will need to play better to kill us.

As for Hunter with Flares and traps, and a pet that can stun if talented or scatter shot if talented if a Hunter knows a Rogue is around hes not dying to a Rogue. Not until Shadow Step is in game anyway!

When FD/Trap gets fixed you can easily survive someone opening on you trying to gank… Well you could in vanilla but with leeway now your chances are pretty slim.

Fair point, Rogues are buggy too! but scatter shot and intimidate are huge also

did PVP happen on a PVP server again?

sheesh. they need to fix this.


Have you ever considered that out in the open world a hunter isn’t constantly dropping flare on himself as he quests?

And since when does a hunter have the BM talent intimidation and scatter shot? Do they get additional talent points I’m not aware of?

Oh and everyone and their mother has documented that FD trap isnt really even working properly with dropping combat.


I mentioned the 3 ccs in each tree, don’t play coy you knew what I was saying.

Pvp happens I died a bunch yesterday caught of guard, after that I was far more cautious.

Some say FD trap works some don’t… My hunter is only 21 so I don’t know yet!

Classic is completely broken.

What makes me laugh is that you can predict people’s responses based on their characters.

Waiting for the 50,000 Tauren warriors to respond letting us know that leeway is just fine. What a joke.

There were only two ways to do classic that made sense and Activision managed to dodge both of them.


Leeway was in vanilla, though.

If you want #nochanges, this is it.


The problem is again, Spell Batching! With it melee have a hard time hitting players moving… Hences why they implemented Leeway! Remove them both I say! I don’t need to feel what lagging was like in 2004 with a Pentium 2 and 512 mbs of ram!

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Not really. You listed out all the tools they had as if they were all at their disposal. It’s disengenius to say the least.

But that’s kind of sort of the point. BGs were you know you’re pvping is entirely different than wpvp yet you’re acting like it’s crazy a rogue is getting the jump on hunters. Outside of duels a rogue is getting the opener on a hunter if he is the one who decides to engage.

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Everyone else understood. I’ll do better to ensure I add If talented after every spell for the Forum Police like yourself. I never said Rogues couldn’t kill hunters, I said if the Hunter knows a rogue is there he can’t! Unless you are specced around all your cc

Glad I set you straight.

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Oh look, it’s you again. The alt you chose is in the same guild OP. For tomorrow’s thread, try an alt that’s not in the same guild. It gives it away that you are the same person reposting the same thread every day.

You didn’t set anything straight, this is Wow classic we’ve all been here before. I suggested talents that would assist in killing or getting away from a Rogue. You’re the only one whom thought all of them were in the same tree.

I think it disingenuous you would create an issue where none were…

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Leeway causes problems for everyone, not just hunters. Nothing like getting hit out of range from a frost nova mob.

Leeway is stupid.


I agree but with Spell batching its needed