title says it all
Thereâs Season of Discovery coming at the end of the month, with tanking warlocks and healing mages, 10 player Blackfathom Depths raid, and other things youâre supposed to discover out in the world. Sounds like classic+ to me.
That sounds terrible
are you being real? lol im at work
did they say wrath era?
Nothing about wrath era so far. Weâll see if its in one of the panels later on.
Source for the Season of Discovery stuff:
That sounds absolutely stupid.
Then stay on era. No one is forcing you to play it.
ngl mage healer sounds fun ill give it a go at least
Yea that sounds terrible. Iâll keep playing wrath until cata then assuming they dont keep wrath around separately thats probably it for me.
vanilla but different
In old threads about what 4th specs different classes could have I suggested a time-based mage healing spec, so thatâll be neat if they actually did it.
People have been waiting for playable lock tanks since WoD/MoP when we had a lock tank bodyguard and lock tank glyph.
More details on Season of Discovery, you can discover runes that unlock spells it seems: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/news/new-rune-system-for-new-class-spells-wow-classic-season-of-discovery-335856
You got Classic+ itâs called Season of Discovery. A reimagined game.
Season of discovery IS classic +
Season of Discovery sounds like a meme venture thatâll be too niche and goofy to retain enough attention to get another legitimate content cycle
They know this its why u can only lvl to 25 at the start and raid blackfathom deeps that was a dungeon u could 3 man.
Season of Discovedy hype. Itâs gonna be a blast. They confirmed the first NEW raid to Classic!
But itâs not the classic+ he wanted.
sod is classic +. som was classic +.
ppl dont understand is they arent gonna keep remaking the vanilla exp.
theyre gonna keep givin u âseasonsâ and add things to shake it up.
shamans got dual wield and overload (windfury spell casting) so it looks super fun