RIP hopes for classic+

Classic+ was never going to happen.

Response says it all.

So basically it’s just the devs sandboxxing ideas and pretending it’s classic.

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Yeah, it looks like they’re just throwing ideas at a wall to see what sticks. For example, was there really a large demand from the players for mages that can heal? Or maybe their stats show a lack of healers so they decided to make a new healer class?

I don’t understand why they’re insistent on shoving DW down shaman’s throat.

No 2H support, not something I’d be interested in.

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I would add if we give clear feedback, I mean the new abilities do seem to allow new builds, though I have a feeling I will be doing alot of ‘wetlands runs’. I think once they have a good number of players they can poll people and separate the weenies whomst do not play the game and don’t know what they are talking about from the weenies who do play the game and might have a consensus on how it might be made better.

Why though? Its 100% a early test version for Classic+ Its literally Blizzard testing the water for a potential actual Classic+ they change the classes add new lower level raids and etc.

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