Id much rather farm KSM for a chance at a Dragonriding Tangled Dreamweaver. Give me a dragon! Dino is too much WoD themed and it aint even that great, everytime i look at its mouth i find something wrong with it xDD

Welcome to an expansion all about flying where you get a ground mount!

Not even a drake skin for the dragon so that kinda tips me off this dragon riding is gonna probably be an only DF system and abandoned and forgotten on the next expansion release.

I’m kinda shocked it wasn’t a dragon riding skin


the glad mount is way harder to get though.

taking inspiration from something is not stealing like most of these clowns claim… Everyone is inspired by something especially in the creative environment.

Honestly me too!

In the entertainment world you need to be very careful not to take too much inspiration from another artist, or you could risk being sued.

Seen artist being accused of copying assets, and told to remove everything. Some companies are very protective of their properties.

Journey, not the destination, folks.

I haven’t liked any of the KSM mounts. PVP always gets way better mounts.

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yeah ff14 did not care at all so the monkeys here are making it a big deal as always

If they had created a npc inspired by a Nintendo character that be a different story.

I would’ve loved a skin for one of the new mounts, much like Raz and Glad got… but nope… M+ gets the shaft on mount this go round…

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I think the mount looks pretty cool. It is the reason I am trying out mythic+ stuff for the first time :smiley:

same, this is the first season I’ve ever gotten KSM and its because of the mount! The glad mount skin looks super ugly to me and im very glad we get an actual mount over a lame skin for a mount we’ve already ridden to death

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Hmm, I tend to disagree here. I really love the Gladiator mount. It has flaming red and golden armor, what is there not to love about it… the other one is a dinosaur with an awkward mouth reminding more of WoD mounts rather than DF ones. Too bad I don’t PVP so I’d never be able to attain that Gladiator mount, especially not with an Evoker lol, they suck at PVP.

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mounts are such a dumb and boring incentive, there’s already huge mount bloat in the game and most of them look like trash compared to mounts from older expansions, would rather have some toy that adds a glow to my armor or something that actually shows i did something cool not yet another mount no one ever uses

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I don’t even know what a KSM is and I aim to keep it that way.

this mount is trash, how you gonna give a GROUND mount for KSM. why even bother getting KSM at this point?

Pretending that you wouldn’t be here whining that a KSM flying mount is pointless with the Dragon Riding system anyway.

At least this one can be used in those dungeons that allow mounting…which is half of them atm.

Why do you think other people should care what you like?